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Hi there,


I am new here and let me introduce myself, I am DJ Trinity from Country Rocks Broadcasting Network. We are a Country Music Radio Station,spinning the best in New Country, Indie Country and your favorite legends and we are also the owners and creators of our weekly syndicated radio program called 'Country Rocks (Rockin' Your World Country Style)', which consists of New Country Releases, Your Favorite Legends, along with Prize giveaways, live interviews and more. Currently our syndicated program is heard from the USA all the way to Scotland. You can learn more about the show, by visiting our website at www.countryrocksradioshow.countryrocksbroadcastingnetwork.com. You can visit our radio station main site at www.countryrocksbroadcastingnetwork.com. We are on the air 24/7. Thanks for accepting us here and we look forward to chatting with you all.


Have a super Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years!



DJ Trinity

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