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Considering starting your own Station? It's not as hard as you think!

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Hello all,


After experiencing 6 years in online radio, a lot has changed since me, and many others, started setting up our own servers to broadcast our simple 'pirate-style' radios! Many people find this quite daunting, and never actually look at what is possible for them in the world of online webcasting.


Have you ever thought about running your very own station but have no idea, like most of us to start, where to even begin? Did you know, creating a live audio stream is well within the ability of most PC users? With a bit of help and support, you too could be joining the great fun and reward of broadcasting your points of view to the world!


We at Wavestreaming like to support the webcasting world however we can, and putting the community first, our website includes a detailed video presentation, loads of tutorials and a great beginner’s guide to launching your successful online station!


Best of all, its free to anyone! Covering the basics of how the system works, starting your website, as well as great marketing tips and legal issues that can seem confusing. We have brought these together to help you; the webcasting community!




Why not check out the link above, as well as our YouTube tutorials (http://www.youtube.com/wavestreaming) to find out more!



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