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James was rather fond of his M. :laughing: M is fine by me.. :D


I was very pleased with how they put it together, it sounds good eh!


Best thing was Frank. I did not even have to audition for the job. Can you imagine that! A huge company like them and I didn't audition! Wow! The production company approached me, this wee kiwi. Did great things for my self-confidence I can tell you!


This all happened when hubby was in hospital following his op.. and the car broke down on my way to the recording session.. so I was quite a nervous wreck when I arrived. That combined with the fact it was my first professional job I did not produce myself in my wardrobe... All things considered it was an interesting intro to working with productions companies.

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Sorry, my pc just died as I was about to respond...

Yeah, really hard to come by. The producer did tell me that he has some jobs coming up in the future that he would like to use me for... So I have no doubt he will contact me when ready. :D

I will however; follow up in perhaps late Jan. with a hope you had a nice holiday email.


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