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What do you think of this....?


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Hey guys,


I just produced a simple, short welcome message that I would like to place as an intro on my site eventually. What do you think?


I'm not necessarily looking for critique, since I'm hard headed :P, but go ahead and tell me what you think.




Jon Bova


"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs. - Jim Rohn"

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The only thing that I see, that perhaps you could do.. is cut back the production somewhat, because you want it for general voice over yes?


Now to me, it sounds like a radio drop, only because of the production.


Don't get me wrong, it sounds great!


Just perhaps a little less on the production and more on your voice (at the beginning of the piece), after all, it is your voice you are selling, and imo, you want your voice to be the focus... not the production.



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That is true, that is why I have a dry voice intro on my website currently. I added this to my demo's just because of that reason. However, now a days, people don't have to have a good voice to be a successful voice over artist. I worked with this guy in my college studio productions class, and the topic was voice overs...to put it bluntly, he had an AWFUL speaking voice, but with a little editing, fx's and music...he sounded pretty damn good.


I agree with you, the voice is what your trying to sell, but your also trying to impress potential clients, ey?


Thanks for the feedback, I'm going to keep my dry voice demo as the background intro ;)



Jon Bova


"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs. - Jim Rohn"

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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Wow. I jumped a bit there. The production is great, but someone entering a website wouldnt expect a sound to start without asking for it.


My tip is if they have already found their way to your site, you won't need an intro to your voice (since I'm guessing you have a portfolio/reel on there)


Just my thoughts, but again. The production rocks (maybe rocks to much for a website though ;) )

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I must agree with Tor. It sounds great, absolutely, but if I visit a website which automaticly plays sound (no matter what it is), the first thing i look at is the button to close down the site, and remember to never come back at it again. You can really chase people away with that.
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