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Review of My Spoof?


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Alright let me give you some background about this song. It is written about ALOT of people at my school, All being so big. I would say more then half the guys in each grade could use a bra, Don't even get me started about the females... I am stuck between four fat people at school at my locker, I often get pushed and smushed. In the hallways, people move so slow because they are too fat to move, or they take up half the hallway and block the whole damn thing. About two day's ago I for some reason thought of neyo's song 'so sick' and changed the words to the chorus and said "You know what? I'm just going to fix the whole song..." No offence (offense?) to any of you if you are 'big' But I mean 11-14yo's should not be weighing over 200+pounds at that age, I mean unless they have some disease where they can not help it, that is understandable....


To the Tune of Ne-Yo 'So Sick'


Mmmm mmm yeah

Do do do do do do do-do

Ohh Yeah


Gotta Push my way through

School hallway

Cuz right now it is

So pack with fat

And I know it makes no sense

Cuz becuase we have gym class

But it's the only fat people exercise anymore

(it's ridiculous)

It's been months

And for some reason I just

(see them getting fatter)

And I'm more ripped than them

(enough is enough)

No more walkin round

With my elbow out

I'm so over being pushed

Around by your fat


And I'm so sick of fat people

So tired of them

So done with wishing they were faster

Said I'm so sick of Fat people so sad and slow

So why can't they loose all the wieght?


They Gotta loose that wieght they have

They are over two hundred pounds

Since there's more T.V.

There's no more reason to work out

I'm so fed up with the size of you

And your smelliness

And how every day it reminds me

Of how big you are


And I'm so sick of fat people

So tired of them

So done with wishing they were faster

Said I'm so sick of Fat people so sad and slow

So why can't they loose all the wieght?


(Leave me alone)

Leave me alone

(Smelly Fat People)

Dont make me think about your wieght

Or having my locker next to you

I'm getting smushed

Trying to get into my locker


And I'm so sick of fat people

So tired of them

So done with wishing they were faster

Said I'm so sick of Fat people so sad and slow

So why can't they loose all the wieght?

(why can't they loose all the wieght?)



And I'm so sick of fat people

So tired of them

So done with wishing they were faster

Said I'm so sick of Fat people so sad and slow

So why can't they loose all the wieght?

(why can't they loose all the wieght?)



And I'm so sick of fat people

So tired of them

So done with wishing they were faster

Said I'm so sick of Fat people so sad and slow

So why can't they loose all the wieght?

(why can't they loose all the wieght?)

(why can't they loose all the wieght?)

why can't they loose all the wieght?

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Well I'm not the most athletic person myself ... afterall I'm already 49

but when I watch tv coverage about the youth at the US "being fat" is a real big issue ... both to boys and girls


Into Our neighbourhood in general (aka most of them) most of the boys and girls are having a normal untill average body type

Anyway, nobody is perfect, but it looks that the US has a young and not that healthy generation of teens

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I understand ...

At the time I went to school ... euhm ... YES I did ... lol

In general most of the students had a normal untill average body type

In those days "fat" guys where not that popular, they're ignored, didn't had good results in gymnastics etc etc

I'm not saying that they're bad ... but they're not looking as the majority


I have the idea that these days normal body types are a phenomenum at the US ...

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yeah.. not really very nice hon. Not everyone has perfect figures, and some (very few admittedly), have health issues that cause obesity. Also, if you go judging people simply by how they look then you could be missing out on knowing some very nice people.

You know there is a very old and very true saying... "You should never judge a book by it's cover"... or is that in your case.. "a cd by its cover" ;)

Point is honey, that it is very shortsighted and frankly not a nice thing to prejudge people because of how they look, body size, race, etc...

Yes, I realize people do it all the time....Still imo, that does not make it the right thing to do.

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