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Question about transcoder


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1- Yes it is.


2- NO, sc_trans does NOT transcode, it is basically Auto DJ.


ok thank you shoutcaststreaming


in your opinion what would you say is the best trans to use


oddstock v3


the lastest sc_trans beta drop3?

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First of all, what are you trying to do?


Sc_trans v2 is a beta product, and is not suitable for use on a production stream. It is known to crash, leak memory, etc., which is obviously not suitable for a professional stream hosting environment.

SCS - Dedicated Bandwidth Servers

Shoutcast / Icecast / Windows Media

Transcoding - Auto DJ - Mobile Radio - FLASH Players - Auto DJ

Broadcasting World's Stream Host of the Month

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First of all, what are you trying to do?



i would like to install A transcoder on my own vps to transcode

my 192k stream into 64 & 32k bitrates.


im paying for a transcode service at the moment

but i would really like to install this on my own server

and try to save a bit of money

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