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Here's MY demo...


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I was inspired by the last guy that posted a demo on this section to make my own for you guys to hear.


Most of these I've done for my own internet station but have recently done a bunch of the freebies in the freebies section.


Take a listen let me know what you think.



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I will take a listen to the demo this afternoon!

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Hi Drew, nice little mix.


I'm not sure if its just these headphones, but it seems to have a quite high 'white noise' over your mic. A high pitch hiss in a way.


I would also try to keep things quite lively aswell, many of these are a bit too similar; vary it up a bit! :)


Overall I like it, just concentrating on some constructive criticism to try and help you improve!



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Thanks for the feedback guys. I really appreciate it and will work on improving my work. I haven't been doing it for that long, and until about a week ago only for my online station. I'm also 16 so this isn't really a full time job for me, mostly just fun.


I will definitely work on making them less boring and similar.


Also, the first 3 on the demo are from the same set I did, which I made extremely similar. I guess I should spread those out or take one out of the demo.



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Well, Drew.. I could see what you were trying to do, however; I have to agree with Frank. It is really important to vary the tone and pitch of your presentation.. and not rely so much on the production effects.. which by the way are more distracting than encouraging one to listen.

It is a good start.

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I did not realize that you were only 16... Hon.. you are really on the right track! Of course your voice is going to continue to mature and it may be some time before you find your voice level, or until it settles to that mature sound. Best tip I can give you is practice, practice, practice and don't get discouraged. We have all been there at one stage, and in fact I have been doing this since I was 11 (sooo last century ;) ) and am still learning. hang in there kiddo!
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Hi Drew


Must say, it sounded REALLY good, lots of potential with your voice.


One thing I noticed was that the effects somewhat overpowered the vocal track at times.


Take a look at http://forums.broadcastingworld.net/showthread.php?p=33572.


This video shows what I do to prep my voice, and I'd recommend taking a look at it. This method gives a nice sound, which will cut through effects. And I must say, I live by the method taught in the video (no voice goes into a production if I havn't done that first).


And as Kiwi said, practice practice practice! Good job!



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I'm about halfway through it =P


I also use Audacity as of now for recording these, so I can't do a bunch of fancy stuff easily.


I also make each one of these in about 15-20 minutes. Sometimes less. I don't tweak the EQ or anything with the vocal track, but I do really like stereo imaging which you can hear in almost every liner I included in the demo.


Check out my news reading skills in the last post I put on this thread.



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