cptsparkle Posted December 18, 2009 Share Posted December 18, 2009 White House Plans To Clamp Down On Piracyhttp://www.fmqb.com/images/trans.gifDecember 16, 2009 At a roundtable discussion in Washington with members of the music and film industries, Vice President Joe Biden said the government will crack down on piracy in the new year. "It’s just flat unadulterated theft, and it should be dealt with," Biden said at the meeting, according to Bloomberg News. "We are committed to making some real inroads — to stop the talking and start the acting." Biden promised that the U.S. will make a "considerable impact" on theft of intellectual property by coordinating federal enforcement efforts. The Justice Department will help train state and local officials to investigate and prevent piracy of copyrighted material, and the Commerce Department will assist in a new effort to prevent people from using camcorders to illegally tape movies in theaters around the world. Attorney General Eric Holder added that he wants to convene an international meeting about the problem of counterfeit movies, CDs and other items. "The United States cannot do this alone," Holder said. Other attendees at the meeting were Michael Lynton, CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment; Barry Meyer, CEO of Warner Bros. Entertainment; Philippe Dauman, CEO of Viacom; Jeffrey Zucker, CEO of NBC Universal; Edgar Bronfman, CEO of Warner Music Group; Brian Murray, CEO of HarperCollins Publishers; and Zach Horowitz, President of Universal Music Group, Bloomberg reported. I'm very curious about this article, what will and how will this affect us. As a very very small broadcaster that broadcasts legally do you think the stations that are broadcasting illegally will care? What will happen to all the hobbyists that are on internet stations that could care less about staying legal? I'm soliciting for opinions on this. Thanks, Wayne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
saint Posted December 18, 2009 Share Posted December 18, 2009 The music industry has the royalty arrangements more screwed up than the us tax code. Different countries have different "rates" and some of these "rates" are not universal for universal distribution. The more you try and regulate something, the more people will find alternatives and "back doors". I am all for paying royalties, but a universal system that provides universal coverage needs to be implemented. Relaxing Entertainment For The World - - www.ScenicRadio.com Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
voodoohippie Posted December 19, 2009 Share Posted December 19, 2009 I'll be careful what I say considering the company of people who are on this site. However I'll say this: I've heard all about the evils of filesharing since 2003 and frankly everyone does it rather they will admit it or not from Bittorrent to Usenet to Stream rippers to browser add on to allow Downloading of streams to plugging your computer into a recording device. Best way is Add Supported Music and streaming. Now back to topic. I'm a hobby station ran by myself who loves Classic and Progressive Rock and play the well established artists both live and dead from years past. By streaming songs I hardly consider it the same as filesharing. : Instead of this witch hunt the music industry needs to understand that they are missing the huge mother load of money to be made from smartphones like the Blackberry Storm, iPhone, android, HTC Touch which can stream media. This means potential viewers of ads in which you can target a huge audience. One of the things I've learned in Radio classes in college is that you have to meet the public convince, Interest and necessity. Free streaming services with ad support would truly meed all Smartphone users. Think of it this way even the businessperson in a suit and tie will love to listen to streaming content in his or her car especially when they own the company and have an unlimited Data Plan. : Even companies like Verizon could get on the Internet Radio bandwagon and save the little guy like myself and maybe make them a partner to help sell more phones. If I got and this is an overkill example but say 50,000 to 100,000 Progressive Rock fans listening with their smartphone and Billy tells Joe to buy a Blackberry Storm because The Legacy is the best Rock station on the planet and he does to get away from the shackles of Top 40 and Rap and then he tells 10 friends and they tell 10 friends you have a super snowball of $$ rolling in as a potential gain for the music industry and by people who have Jobs to Buy the products the Sell not the unemployed kids who need mommy and daddy to buy for them. : But that is exactly what the music industry is afraid of. Young artists don't want to put out Prog Rock it just is not what they are into. So they have to kill all the Progressive Rock stations by raising royalties and then bullying ISP's into putting caps onto their services to stop you from listening to Internet Radio 24/7 or broadcasting 24/7. Thankfully some companies don't go to bed with the RIAA who (from what I've read) has been accused of pirating from the very artists they claim we Pirate from. So until they get themselves straight they need not try and cozy up to Uncle Sam for pity because I feel there will be an anti trust law suit will go through it just is a matter of time. : Fair royalty rates are good for the hobby station say $13/mo no matter if you have 20 listeners per month or 250 (as required via iTunes). Most sane people don't have a problem with royalties its just the way the industry handles it. I think the RIAA should set up ad supported FREE shoutcast hosting companies like freeshoutcasting.org or listen2myradio.com but have ad supported ad banner apps like Nobex Radio Companion for the BB Storm. : Now I'll hear how much it costs for a server, but if these offshore sites can do it and make money than so too could the RIAA. But they want to be babies and cry and whine when they don't get their way and try and figure yet another way to waste our taxpayers money on irrelevant issues like what hobby station is broadcasting without paying royalties. Good luck I bet tomorrow they'll want another 30 million to go after more regular citizens. Hope the US has plenty of jail space so I say no it won't effect a thing. There are people streaming all the time and will always be. : Nuff Said! : You should write your congressmen and women and join the EFF (electronic Freedom Foundation) who's been fighting the RIAA's iron fist for years. Unless more people stop eating what they shovel yes expect to pay 10 to 50 thousand dollars a month for a 10 listener slot station very very soon. and they'll want your first unborn child's money to boot just for an application. Voodoohippie Progressive Rock(Album Rock Deep Tracks),Classic Rock http://thelegacy.shorturl.com Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GKIye Posted December 19, 2009 Share Posted December 19, 2009 First of all ... I do agree with all who is written above of this ... Besides the royalty issue, major record compagnies has to learn "and" understand that "their" music is being played by thousands of online media projects ... and all of those online projects don't ask a penny for listening to their stream In several countries artists who make music into specific genres are begging for airplay ... and the "big" guys from major record labels do make lots of marketing for their own projects ... and marketing stands for = cost a lot of money Problem is that into the past decade nobody of the "big" guys has learned anything about audiostreaming, they only see their "own" benefits and "not" the benefits to the artist In fact record labels (independent and others) should be thankfull that their music is being played for free and offers free promotion to "their" products. Ripping music ain't the problem of an audiostreaming project ... because its done by listeners and groups of listeners (aka fake listeners) who are able to use "tons" of different software to reach their goal. Most of these types of software are sold to the public, eather free as plugin, eather paid as a full license The question can be : Who is fooling who ? Into the next decade they all can start a new discussion about TV and video ... Why ? Well, because more and more countries do offer a digital service - currently still known as High Definition - and "all" providers are offering promotional or paid a "digi recorder", customers can record easily all video related content. So far no one of the "big" guys has thought about the fact that the content of their blockbusters can be recorded and reproduced at any time ... So once again : Who is fooling who ? Visit and listen @ BW ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
johny c Posted December 19, 2009 Share Posted December 19, 2009 This rubbish is not going to stop untill we all refuse to play anymore music. A few years ago a royalty collecting agent (I cant remember which one) tried to get the New Zealand TV stations to pay some stupid amount of money to play NZ artists on the music programs. The TV stations stopped playing NZ music videos for about 2 or 3 weeks before it was sorted and you guessed right, it wasnt the TV stations that backed down. I cant remember what the deal was in the end, but the collection agent was put in their place. When are they going to get it through their heads that we are doing them a favour. Its not if we are making loads of money from the music. In fact it is costing most of us. This is not only the collection agents and record companys, it is some of the artists themselves as well. They forget who helps them. If they want to make a lot of money, they need to get off their fat backsides and get out and a gig more for their money and I mean real gigs not acting. I know this going to upset a few artists, but I am a musician myself and I have put the hours in making money from it by doing live gigs. I feel if they have made records just to make money they are not real musicians and need to get a real Job. RAG-FM 107.7 Raglan New Zealand & ragfm.com ........"Top Music Top of the Dial" Click HERE to listen to the RAG-FM radio stream Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NickolasM. Posted December 19, 2009 Share Posted December 19, 2009 I also agree with everyone above. This is my 'short' take on it: Radio = Music Music = Listeners Listeners = Buyers Radio = Promotion Where buyers can end up being illegal downloaders, I know I have the HTC Touch Pro, I listen to sirius-xm on my phone all the time. Yeah so what we have to pay, but it is ad free. Hobby Radio stations, It's fun for the DJ's and the Listeners, you all are right, they ask for no money to listen to their streams. I personall am sick of my government. I could really careless what they say. All it does is take money from the tax payers ( I know all this and I am only 13! ) Like at school now, They are forcing us to great fruit on our tray (the Gov.) but they have a garbage can right next to check out, because all the kids throw them out... You know that means? Wasted Tax Payers Money. Not to mention the 10-13 million dollar add-on they wanted to do on our school, where it'd be less to just make a brand new school. Although I am a kid, I follow the news, I follow politic's, I know just about everything they let us know. I feel there will be an anti trust law suit will go through it just is a matter of time. You are exactly right, There should be. But it is our government, they don't care if what they do is illegal. We will have to do something historical and big in-order to get this fixed. WE should be a bunch of mudrakers. And expose it to the public (although most may not care.) Looking at where most of the main offices are held, we should do a protest in NY, Seeing that is where most of them are located. You should write your congressmen and women and join the EFF (electronic Freedom Foundation) who's been fighting the RIAA's iron fist for years. Unless more people stop eating what they shovel yes expect to pay 10 to 50 thousand dollars a month for a 10 listener slot station very very soon. and they'll want your first unborn child's money to boot just for an application. Although I am young, I am 'very close' with my Senator's D.A.'s and Mayors, Just about everyone I can be, Ill be sure to write them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
voodoohippie Posted December 22, 2009 Share Posted December 22, 2009 I've tried to tell people what is going on and I get a subject change in conversation and if I post it on p2p sites, Radio forums most people don't even try and do anything. When Internet Radio dies who's fault is it really? : At anywhere from $1/listener slot/month to $1.50/mo per listener (Just for a shoutcast host) and then they want us to pay for ATH? to be legal? They should pay ME for running a station such as The Legacy which caters to Adults you know the ones who have Jobs and the $$ to buy the music in the first place. : I am a SWcast licensed station and I'm not allowed to make an income from my station (legally) because I'm not at the Pro level and want to stay hobby. this includes Donations. Again I'm a disabled man on SSDI I don't make a fortune from my station. I do it because I like the old Album Rock format that has been stamped out by Big Corporate Radio and the RIAA! If you listen to my little station promos you'd see this. Look me up on swcast.net or on iTunes Press Radio and then Classic Rock you'll find me. : If I were to get a sponsor it would be great for I don't know HTML, but sure know music and I believe a station like mine would be a good investment. Anyone reading this who sells or manufactures smartphones my station can help your product sell for example the Blackberry Storm. If you want to talk about sponsoring me call my Rockline 252-506-9299 when I'm available I'll discuss some ideas. : I am all for anyone who actually fights instead of sitting and doing nothing and expecting Radio to continue to exist. But some of you who read this are brainwashed into one size fits all. It does not. The Internet is already being over ran by corporate greed and we are just the Ginny pigs trapped in a maze of bureaucracy. : I'd be interested in saving hobby broadcast Radio. It really has a huge value. Progressive Rock(Album Rock Deep Tracks),Classic Rock http://thelegacy.shorturl.com Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arfa B Posted December 23, 2009 Share Posted December 23, 2009 I'd be interested in saving hobby broadcast Radio. It really has a huge value. Hear, hear! It all boils down to two things, PANIC and GREED! These people who are trying to screw the small broadcaster down to the ground are Greedy Bas***ds for sure, and they panic at the thouight of losing grip on the situation! The truth is, the game IS over! The days of big money from huge record sales are long gone! And, many many new artists are releasing quality royalty free music now, and all that is left is the mediocre sales of "kiddie" music aka X-Factor, and incessant recollection of royalties on music from the past, when it was quality gear! I find the whole thing quite obscene! Firstly, little ends up in the laps of the people that deserve it, and how much more money do these people want, and more importantly NEED!!! God knows Paul McCartney has enough money to live 10,000 lifetimes- yet the nurse who is saving someones life in a nearby hospital at the moment can just about afford to feed her family and buy them presents at Christmas! I sometimes wonder why I am in the "entertainment" industry!!! Merry Xmas greed merchants- I doubt you can understand what it means! If I have helped you with a Freebie- please be kind enough to add a link from your own site or blog to mine- thanks! http://arthurburton.net Thank You! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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