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Challenge to stream hosts with AutoDJ


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Good Morning everyone from Australia.


Before I explain my challenge/request, let me introduce myself.


I'm Peter, I've been involved in radio for nearly 15 years. From community to commercial radio. Breakfast Host to PD to Sports Commentator.


Currently out of work at the moment and with time on my hands, I thought I'd set myself the task of start a little hobby internet station.


I planned on it being a niche format, with a small listenership, but at the same time sounding like a real radio station.


One of my problems is I don't want to stream from my home computer, so I was very happy to see some streaming hosts have Auto DJ.


However the Auto DJ does NOT do something important to make me sound like a real radio station - I'll get to that in a moment.


Over time I've used many Automation systems. From the expensive NexGen which i use to use at work, to Jazler and ZaraRadio used at smaller stations.


I liked Jazler which just could keep on creating it's own playlist for years (and just quietly I have a *spare* copy of!) - however I've tried it on a windows VPS and it doesn't work :(


So my challenge is the following to the Streaming Hosts...


Can you create an AutoDJ with similar and detailed rotation features to Jazler or sam or Station Playlist...


AND can you do something None of you do at the moment.


Have that your servers can have an autoFTP download (there are free programs out there, can you install/tie them in with your stuff?) so we can set it up that the NEWS can auto download and play when required (or play a stream for 5 mins at set times).


That's right AutoDJ isn't bad, but the NEWS boys - to sound like a REAL radio station we need the news - can someone help us out?


I'm trying to get around it by doing a Windows VPS - but it doesn't seem to like most playout systems - so first guy to set up a AutoDJ with very good rotation features, time scheduling and auto News downloads get my $$$ (at a reasonable price of course)



Melbourne, Australia :xmassmile:

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Ok, heres what you do.



At the spot where you want news, Update a file..... Leave it on your server, or periodiclly change it. At where that song should play, point it to the file so it plays that file instead... then when it completes that file, it wiull still go right down the playlist....


Make this seem easier?



Pick a company you get news from... Point the automation at its file for news...When that file is done playing, it will continue with your playlist...


Some radio news station will work deals out with small webcasters. As well their is a COUPLE...LITERALLY... But not great news stations... that will let you rebroadcast for free, ones an English Second Language news site, sounds real creepy and monotone. most pro news stations will always keep the file about the same time interval, so it will be easy to work into an automation...


BTW, MAAAN do they need to fire the Air Force DJ's at freedom radio IRAQ. No wonder no Sailors DJ'ing here, we would put those bastards to shame....

KNSJ.org / 89.1 FM San Diego
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first guy to set up a AutoDJ with very good rotation features, time scheduling and auto News downloads get my $$$ (at a reasonable price of course)

We have everything you asked for except for the AutoFTP of the news.


Being in the radio industry, I'm sure that you realize that royalities must be paid to the news carrier for any quality news reports.


Most all small hobby stations aren't willing to pay extra money for that feature.


However, if you make the committment to us, we can obtain any of several quality news reports for you.

SCS - Dedicated Bandwidth Servers

Shoutcast / Icecast / Windows Media

Transcoding - Auto DJ - Mobile Radio - FLASH Players - Auto DJ

Broadcasting World's Stream Host of the Month

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  • 6 months later...

I agree Tommy, Centova has gotten awesome. I would choose it too. The only things they could really do to make it a lot better is:


A) Allow you to opt to run multiple stations on the same port with Icecast2. I HATE that you allways create a new server instance.


B) For Icecast2 allow you to run a port 80 from root. Technically you are running the server from root, but the mountpoint takes it out of root, and doesnt leave you with those security vulnerabilities. So why would you want to use a proxy thats going to eat up 25MB of memory for each listener (due to creating a new apachee instance) Thats retarted as the new ShoutCast2 servers not allowing a new password for every /endpoint.


C) Before, I understood why Centova didnt support autoDJ. WHY HAVE THEY NOT SKINNED AAC+v2 SCtrans2? At first, I understood when they were changing features of SC_trans2 every other month. Now, its slowed, its time for centova to catch up on this.

KNSJ.org / 89.1 FM San Diego
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Yes, I agree - that is why we also started selling WHM Sonic - which does runs great, and is very popular - but it's their lack of creating playlists that holds them back. Centova Cast is due for a upgrade any day now so hopefully a lot of the issues you mentioned will be worked out.
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