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New Year


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Hi Guy's and Girls, on Dec. 23 I asked something in the Thread of GKREurope "Happy New Year Produced Beds 4 You" but didn't get any reaction on it maybe I did wrong to put it over there so I ask it in a new Thread



I was thinking of making a liner or jingle for new year in different laguages. I noticed that there are several different nationalities from different country's on this board, if all of you send me a short liner (not produced) in your language or (english)dialect so I can make one and put it on our board to be used to everyone on here.

How does this sounds?

It maybe wont be perfect but it would be someting original, I think.



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Hi Guy's and Girls, on Dec. 23 I asked something in the Thread of GKREurope "Happy New Year Produced Beds 4 You" but didn't get any reaction on it maybe I did wrong to put it over there so I ask it in a new Thread



I was thinking of making a liner or jingle for new year in different laguages. I noticed that there are several different nationalities from different country's on this board, if all of you send me a short liner (not produced) in your language or (english)dialect so I can make one and put it on our board to be used to everyone on here.

How does this sounds?

It maybe wont be perfect but it would be someting original, I think.




Here ya go Eric a Few for you to play around with.


Happy New Year To ya :)



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haha no, I asked to make some non produced " Happy New Year wishes" like they did now, so I can make on produced one and put it on this board for everybody. I'm working on it right now and it will be online later today.


Guy's thanks for sending me great stuff, I hope I will not disappoint you with the final product.



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I thought someone from this side of the pond would post an "Happy New Year" That's what I get for thinking :)


Well you better download and save it now. Who knows after Arthur and GK finish training me.


I'll have too charge for the use of my voice :laughing: :retard:

"I'm Retired" Donations PayPal.Me/artistview . I only do dry reads, if you want FX's you'll have to add them, I might add them. If you use my voice please link to my art site AbstractArtist.xyz, Thank you
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