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A quick try on this VO :)


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Hey All ! :)


Anyone out there, can help me with these 2 VOs.

Eveyrthing is highly appreciated!!


This Vo will later be produced in a small video, so I could send over the video, so you can attach that one to your portofolio :)



Kick Start your weekend in big style!

this is pure music excellence

this...is...Fresh and Funky with Clayton J




Kick Start your weekend in big style!

45 minutes of pure music excellence

this...is...Fresh and Funky with Clayton J



Thanks :)

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Sorry mate, you do qualify for a voiceover. But 6 posts in the one section of the forum (which happens to be the free voiceover forum) doesn't quite cut it for me..


We have heaps of forums you can post in! We have an Introductions Forum where you can start a thread about yourself, and your station. We have an Internet Radio Forum where you can share tips, and find helpful advice. We even have a section called General Chat which you can post anything your hearts desire in!


Explore the forum mate :) Just a friendly suggestion :)

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izak.. you didn't even acknowledge the vo I did for you.. in your other thread! That's bad form...

If you want professional people to do vo for you then you need to be quite a bit more responsive... treat one of us badly and no one of the professionals will do anything for you. Understand?

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Yeah please forgive me.. I really did not notice of your post. Was really busy with my school stuff lately and haven'nt noticed. Checked the last post..


I appreciate your work, and best of luck on your future!!

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