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Starting your own FM station...

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It is very hard to get a permit for a low power FM station. You must be a part of a non profit organization or an educational institute to even qualify. This is ridiculous, however I started a pirate station about 3-4 years ago using a transmitter I bought on ebay. It was maybe 8-10 miles but since I live in Baltimore, a larger market, I got found out and shut down. If you live in the sticks, or somewhere far from a city...you might be able to get by with a small low budget one, as long as you don't play explicit music, I don't think anyone would notice or report you XD


I am not encouraging illegal operation, I am just stating the facts.




Jon Bova


"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs. - Jim Rohn"

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I am not encouraging illegal operation, I am just stating the facts.





Quite right, people get shot down in flames for suggesting ways of doing things or using illegal copies of software etc... giving factual information is fine and within free speech.

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They don't have to be 24 hours but there is a minimum amount of hours you must broadcast. My suggestion is look up your limit, there a loop hole of some sort that allows a certain wattage (2-5 I believe) however, with a good antenna and placement, that can reach up to 6 miles!



I'm not sure all the laws in your area, but its worth looking into!




Jon Bova


"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs. - Jim Rohn"

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Low Power FM

Authorized for non-commercial educational broadcasting only (no commercial operation) and operate with an effective radiated power (ERP) of 100 watts (0.1 kilowatts) or less, with maximum facilities of 100 watts ERP at 30 meters (100 feet) antenna height above average terrain.


The approximate service range of a 100 watt LPFM station is 3.5 miles (5.6 kilometers) radius or 38.5 square miles.


non-profit and non-commercial (no ads on air)

educational (involving schools and young adults)


but you can have sponsors for your website costs.

Another way is to win the Euro Lottery!

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Low Power FM


Authorized for non-commercial educational broadcasting only (no commercial operation) and operate with an effective radiated power (ERP) of 100 watts (0.1 kilowatts) or less, with maximum facilities of 100 watts ERP at 30 meters (100 feet) antenna height above average terrain.


The approximate service range of a 100 watt LPFM station is 3.5 miles (5.6 kilometers) radius or 38.5 square miles.


non-profit and non-commercial (no ads on air)

educational (involving schools and young adults)


but you can have sponsors for your website costs.


Another way is to win the Euro Lottery!


The US laws are much different than in Europe...it is much harder to obtain a permit to broadcast legally under the LPFM license. Their not even taking applications now, and only do during short 3 week or less windows once in a blue moon...



Jon Bova


"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs. - Jim Rohn"

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The US laws are much different than in Europe...it is much harder to obtain a permit to broadcast legally under the LPFM license. Their not even taking applications now, and only do during short 3 week or less windows once in a blue moon...




A Consortium is what is needed, I believe.

How many internet stations are there on line?

Thousands.........(what a waste of money)


The only ones getting rich are the 'streaming host server' owners.


Group together with a rota system and have one internet radio project.

Maybe, with enough of us, we could all get backers/sponsors to fund FM.


Like Radio Caroline (but not at sea)

labelled as a pirate radio station. Founded in 1964


We already get funding for streaming so thats some money saved already!


...and with PST GMT UDT running 24/7 should not be a problem.


Even with say... 1,000 LPFM transmitters, thats alot of area/square miles

(as the crow flies)

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The US laws are much different than in Europe...it is much harder to obtain a permit to broadcast legally under the LPFM license. Their not even taking applications now, and only do during short 3 week or less windows once in a blue moon...




Have you ever looked up the word permit in a legal dictionary? If so, you'll notice that it means permission. Why would you need permission to do such a thing? Are you aware that legalese is an entirely different language, although it looks like English, its not. You can only speak this language if you are a member of the BAR (crown owned by the way) and if you're not a member how can you understand (stand under) their statutes? The answer is you cannot. A statute/act of parliament only has the force of law... meaning they need your consent... and without it they cant do anything. Statutes only apply to persons... do you know you're not actually a person (legal definition means corporation) ... if anything you have a person as evident by your birth certificate. You can step out of the corporate world/person and re-enter any time you choose. You dont need permission from a fictional entity (aka government) as you're born sovereing and will die sovereign. You and your fellow sovereigns created the Constitution - not for yourselfs - but to bound the government from which it was created.... then the international bankers, after getting rid of the gold standard, turned humans into resources by giving out birth certificates .i.e persons... (did you know slaves were the first people to have birth certificates?) ... and because most governments are signed up to the UCC (universal commerical code) every government followed suite... the government has no authority over the 'man' only over what it created.... persons.... and they only exist on pieces of paper.... which they need you to rise or stand for the MR Joe Bloggs fictional entity for them to create joinder..... as long as you do no harm (which is the only law) then you dont need a 'permit'.... however its become common parlance (pretty much people have become apathethic --- but thats beginning to change pretty quickly)..... rant over peace ... watch this video ;) http://blip.tv/file/1790438/

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