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Looking for a voiceover


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Hello there everyone,

I am looking for a voiceover. Whomever I use will get a donation via PayPal. I do not have a preference of male or female.


"Welcome to the Mountain Avenue Theater. For your safety while in this theater please keep your feet off the backs of seats and avoid standing in rows and please refrain from flash photography as it is hazardous to the performers. Thank you for your cooperation and enjoy the show."


Thanks very much! If it does not feel right feel free to move around the wording.

Thanks again!


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Here is one from me. I fiddled with some equalizing settings to get it to fir a bit more with the theater setting. Let me know if it works....I've only done 2 theater intros in my career, so this was fun lol



Jon Bova


"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs. - Jim Rohn"

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2. click choose file and add your files singly

3. click upload and close the window

4. post the message and attachments will be there :)




Jon Bova


"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs. - Jim Rohn"

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