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Royalties Fees

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That is a difficult questiomn to answer.... they would normally "buy out" certain tracks/pieces of music for use in that film covering a period of 10, 20, 25, 50 years or forever.

The price agreed is between the people who wrote the music, own the music rights, and the record label and Uncle John cobbly and all!

The bottom line is- there certainly would be no set fee- all negotiated by music lawyers etc.

The better known the artis or song, the more you can ask for!

For example: if you must have a easily recognisable song- you pay accordingly. On the other hand, you find that some lesser known and sometimes great pieces are "made" this way!

If I have helped you with a Freebie- please be kind enough to add a link from your own site or blog to mine- thanks! http://arthurburton.net


Thank You!

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ALL i can tell you is I'm postive they do

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes. Royalties ON everything.


From studios that produced the show, to music, right down to the theme song in the credits. This is probably one of the biggest barriers in internet TV licensing. How to determine a standard payment for small webmasters prices, and how the DMCA would adapt so that BIG TV could kill the dream of legal small television before it becomes a reality, and crushes them worse then Hulu.

KNSJ.org / 89.1 FM San Diego
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