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Fully Produced Rock Album Show Available


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Hi Guys


Would anyone be interested in taking a fully produced rock album show on their station free? I'm yet to determine the length, but would be guessing 2 hours. It would be delivered via file server and available weekly. If I can get enough interest, I will begin creating the show immediatelty. Let me know your thoughts.



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We would be pleased to playout your show via out automated system.


If you would like to be fully credited for your show with your own bio page, receive listener feedback, be included in our RSS feeds etc, then please register at http://1radio.org and we will contact you to progress things.




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  • 6 months later...

Woah! Haven't checked this thread in a while.....


Guys, I am willing to make this show happen, seeing as how the interest is high. The show would be available monthly, as that is all timme allows me at the moment. Maybe down the track a bit I might make it available more frequently.


Looks like I've got a bit of work to do now. :P


If all interested parties could email me boxovoices@gmail.com stating your stations website and listen link that would be great.


I will reply email with more details.



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It depends of the music you play in the show :P




It wouldn't be hardcore deathmetal, if that's what you're worried about :P


The show would be called something along the lines of The History Of Rock.

Featuring the great rock bands and albums that make the genre what it is today. Pink Floyd, Guns N Roses, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, The Who, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Iron Maiden ect...

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It wouldn't be hardcore deathmetal, if that's what you're worried about :P


The show would be called something along the lines of The History Of Rock.

Featuring the great rock bands and albums that make the genre what it is today. Pink Floyd, Guns N Roses, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, The Who, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Iron Maiden ect...


Too hard music for my radio :P Even if I like some bands you named.



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Ok guys, really needing your support on this one. I f you would be interested in taking the show I need you to email me boxovoices@gmail.com as soon as possible. The show will be called Rock Of Ages. The length is yet to be determined. The format of the show will be album based, featuring the artists and albums that shaped the genre of rock. For more info or to show your interest please email me. I am trying to get this show sponsored and with out it I can't give it to stations for free.



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