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Can a TV antenna be converted for Radio antenna use?

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Can a TV antenna be converted for Radio antenna use?

I have a very large TV antenna and want to see if I can convert it to be used as a radio antenna to broadcast to my local neighborhood. I do not know the make or model of it though.

Is this possible or would it just be better to buy a radio antenna.


Thanks for your help

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ammmmmm do you mean a old fashion tv antenna if so I don't think so because It wouldn'=t fit in with today's tech but I'm not to shore of this fact.

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You would have to change the co-ax cable to 50 ohms as TV co-ax is normally 75 ohms, assuming that is what is used in the US? It is in UK/Europe.

If you want to transmit on FM then a simple FM di-pole antenna used for reception will be fine with the correct co-ax. The SWR will be near correct also.

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To receive, thats no problem.

To use to transmit is a problem.

As already stated it must be 50 ohms, but it also must be the right length or the dipole part the right size and tuned to what freq you will be transmitting on other wise it will have a high SWR and will not transmit very well as well as most likely killing your transmitter. there are sites around about making one so have a google around. In the long run it may be easer just to buy one. :yes:

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