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Showreel voiceover


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I'm producing a demoreel for showing potential customers on my website.


I will ofcourse donate a litte to the person who volunteers to do it.


I'm thinking either an american male voiceover, or a female british/american.




Here's the script:


So, you need to sound... good? Awesome? Unbelievable? Fantastic?


You've come to the right place


With radio imaging from White Hawk Audio you will sound the way you're competition don't want you to.


With custom stingers








You'll sound just the way you should!


Radio imaging from White Hawk Audio.


Like you've never heard before.


White Hawk Audio

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I'm thinking either an american male voiceover, or a female british/american.


I Knew there was good reason why I wasn't born in Chicago- and I thought it was the drugs, prostitition, violence and errr prohibition!!!

Nope, it's beacuse I am British!!! And almost proud of it too ;-) LOL!!!

If I have helped you with a Freebie- please be kind enough to add a link from your own site or blog to mine- thanks! http://arthurburton.net


Thank You!

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Here you go... I hope they work for you. :) There are 3 slightly different versions for you to choose from.

A copy of the produced vo for my demos would be most appreciated.

Also, if you are happy with the work.. some feedback on my professional page would be very nice.



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Here you go... I hope they work for you. :) There are 3 slightly different versions for you to choose from.

A copy of the produced vo for my demos would be most appreciated.

Also, if you are happy with the work.. some feedback on my professional page would be very nice.




Awesome. Will give it a try tonight ;-)


God morgen! Here is a take for you my friend! I have an old friend that lives in Ski, Norway.. nice to see a Norwegian here!


If you want it read higher, deeper, faster, slower, let me know and I'll give you another take.


Thanks a bunch! Will try it out aswell ;-)

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well, i'm not that sexy, but i have given it a try :) Feedback much appreciated :) (both from the topicstarter as also from the pro's here)


Thanks for the try, man. But this is not actually what I was looking for, but I really appreciate you taking the time to give it a shot.


The problem was the "accent" on your english. Otherwise the read was just fine :-) Thanks!

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