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Broadcasting World, Time To Change?


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We all love our broadcasting world, from those professionals who work for established land based broadcasters to voice over artists and to internet broadcasters / hobbyists.


I see from time to time new members who don't read the rules and post immediately asking for voice overs for their net station, and VO professionals moaning about it and in some cases actually throwing in the towel and leave our social site.


Reading through the chat box today I see one such cause for unhappiness and a suggestion for BW.


Thinking about it maybe changing BW wouldn't be a bad thing after all.


There are two main types of broadcasters, professional and amateur.


Professionals won't ask for a freebie it will always be the amateurs, so can't we change to voice over section so only members who have made a limited number of posts post in the section by scripting and not just hope that these members just abide by the rules which they obviously don't.


For this site to remain professional we need to stop these here today, gone tomorrow types from watering down our standards by asking for freebies when clearly they haven't contributed towards receiving them.

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I second that Lloyd!

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Maybe a compromise .. You can ask but you may not receive? It's up to the VO people to respond or not. Put in the topic description that if they have not followed the rules .. It aint happening? If they did maybe. Obviously it helps the website traffic to have free and encourages new members. I think what we want are active members. Maybe consider adding the details that they can't ask again until 50 posts or something like that. Make a third request a 100 posts etc. I would think it would benefit all parties. Just an idea.
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I just saw something that made a lot of sense. In exchange for a free voiceover they provide a link to vo artist. Links are a valuble commodity on the internet and it would at minimum give the vo person some kind of compensation. Having been and still am a SEO person, I know the value of external links. Granted there is no way to get your vo back if they choose to remove your link, there is the possibility to check the link and if it's not there no vo person will respond to the request.

Sorry I'm brainstorming this subject.

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Guest Baabaa Productions

Loads of over reaction here. 10 posts is excessive ...I really fear the way the site is going at the moment. I dont see that there is a problem........don't let the few spoil this site. We either do feebies or we dont. Simple as .........I fear soon we will introduce hanging for anyone that requests a freebie....... Its simple either you do it or you don't. Lets not get to hung up on rules....Hey just my thoughts.


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It's always up to the vo people to respond, or not. I think the point is that to benefit everyone, the requester should be active on BW, not just join ask for a voiceover never to be heard from again, until they want another vo done.


My suggestions were meant to promote that objective, the numbers were off the top of my head. Free can lead to payed and that's a good thing. Making it too hard to get free can deter people from even asking. A thank you or giving rep should be expected as a minimum I would think.


To be blunt, if you don't want to do free, don't. If you do, then do. People are creatures of habit, I want this, I did what I needed to do get it, I'm done. If they have to do 10 posts to get it, they will. They may not say thank you or give a rep because they did the 10 required posts. Dang if you do, Dang if you don't.


I honestly don't know the right answer since it involves so many people with so many different opinions.

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  • 1 year later...

I pay for all of my voice overs. If someone is going to use their talents, then they should be paid for them. I wouldn't pay for voice imaging unless I was happy with it though.


I get one for free every now and then, but that is because I am such a good customer. I think that the good radio stations that have the financial support should have great sounding imaging. The ones that don't...don't. It is really that simple.


I like that James has created a minimum post limit.


I have more a of a problem with radio stations who don't pay their licensing fees.

Reverend Aquaman | Station Manager | andHow.FM

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andhow "I have more a of a problem with radio stations who don't pay their licensing fees"


I don't mean to sound rude or anything but. People not paying fees has nothing to do with an income from doing work for people. I'm sure if someone doesn't pay the fess it isn't going to hurt you in anyway. It isn't money and time out of your pocket. If you spent hours doing voice overs and got nothing in return. Then it becomes a pain in the backside and you just end up saying forget it.


BW has lost a lot of voice over artists and they where some of the best voice over artists around.






I posted a topic awhile back saying I was all done doing free voice overs. Unless I knew who was asking. The problem has become even real broadcasters/DJ's are requesting free voice overs. Not just the people that are doing it as a hobby. I started searching people that made a request and found a good number of them where real FM stations and or DJ's that got paid. I have been told by people in the UK they have heard me on the radio over there and it was a VO I did as a free request(s) on BW. So the stations etc. are requesting free voice overs, not paying for them and using them on the stations/shows. All they need to do is go from one site to the next and someone will do it sooner or later. They type up their request like they are in radio as a hobby and you get sucked in and do it.


I got so sick of people and their requests and thinking fees should be lower, I even removed my pricing from my sites. So I no longer accept paid VO's unless I know the person and I have become very selective who I do free voice overs for. Plus there are request that I don't do because I don't think my voice will fit the style show or the request in general.


I will be the first one to say my voice isn't for everyone. But that’s how it is, you either like it or you don't. Also I don't do a lot of production on my voice overs. Because I don't hide anything. So I don't add all kinds of effects etc. to cover it up. I found one site using a computer voice. Because there is no way the person could talk or anyone could talk like they did. And if you really listened to the voice you could tell is was a computer generated voice. BUT! People love it and pay this person/site. Of course they add all kinds of zips and zaps and cool sounds to it. That’s what most people think a voice over is anyway these days. That’s just to cover things up. Plus all of the fees are or where cheap, if I charged the same fees I might as well work for free.


Being a voice over artists today you are kind of being told, You don't have any bills to pay, you don't need to eat or anything like that. This is across all types of voice overs. The rates are just getting lower and lower. So I just do request on BW for the most part, if anyone makes a donation cool. But even they are far a few in-between. You might as will find something new to do.


Plus I am more into having fun with my voice (comedy style), doing voices or what ever like Pappy, JR, Billy Bob, The God Father or who even else I come up with. I know there isn't a lot of request for them or my style on BW :)


Well here I go again, I was only going to make a small comment and well....


The Grumpy Old Man

"I'm Retired" Donations PayPal.Me/artistview . I only do dry reads, if you want FX's you'll have to add them, I might add them. If you use my voice please link to my art site AbstractArtist.xyz, Thank you
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sorry but I didn't have seen this post since now


Its my idea that "currently" there are many new members who have the "hit and run" attitude ...

A while ago (March - April) there where many new members who hit the donate button at once

So ... doing reads is a kind of playing at the casino ... you have to be lucky to being paid or not ...


BUT I have to say that new members in general should be pointed (even redirected !) at "any" time to the introduce yourself section ... That way WE know who the person or project is ...

After they made an introduction they are allowed to make requests


It sucks if someone with a hit and run attitude even don't leave a thank you reply, neither a rep for the work who's being done

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How did I forget the hit and run people? I must be getting old ;)


If anyone checks they'll find GK is doing most of the request these days :)


I do some here and there and we have a couple of other people that do them sometimes. At onetime you could post a request and who knows how many replies you'd get. It was a lot more than 1 maybe 4 if your lucky today.


As I said before, the Free Request is used and abused, not only on BW. By way to many people that should offer to pay something. I bet I'm not be liked by a lot of people. That old guy is nuts. When you get older you don't care what people think, can't handle the truth to bad. Most people in todays world are greedy, cheap, rude and they want everything NOW and well I won't go there.


I'm glad I happen to know people that aren't like that and they are here on BW.

"I'm Retired" Donations PayPal.Me/artistview . I only do dry reads, if you want FX's you'll have to add them, I might add them. If you use my voice please link to my art site AbstractArtist.xyz, Thank you
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I don't mean to sound rude or anything but. People not paying fees has nothing to do with an income from doing work for people. I'm sure if someone doesn't pay the fess it isn't going to hurt you in anyway. It isn't money and time out of your pocket. If you spent hours doing voice overs and got nothing in return. Then it becomes a pain in the backside and you just end up saying forget it.


I don't think you were being rude as much as you did not understand my point. I have a problem because it is illegal, it is unprofessional and it is wrong. There are too many amateurs out there, not paying their licensing fees. Some of us are professionals and conduct ourselves as such. I think you missed the whole message that I was trying to convey. I was supporting that voice imaging should be a paid service and not done for free. The problem with the forums and everybody and his cat wanting something for free has to do with too many amateurs out there wanting something for nothing. They are the ones who usually don't pay licensing fees. Those are the people that I am tired of. :no:

Reverend Aquaman | Station Manager | andHow.FM

Where it's *ALL* about the music!

A world-class, always eclectic, commercial-free, alternative, modern, retro, indie rock radio station.

Jamming the free world, one person at a time since 1998. Got Indie?

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Ok i feel i need my 2 cents worth on this one.


A Minimum Post count of 50 and that way they have at least Used the site and contributed!


Ive helped out around BW and im only a Hobby broadcaster.


Bill i will pay for a licence when my listener numbers increase and pay for any Voiceovers when i get some readies in me Pay pal.


Seems my bank is having problems transfering to pay pal otherwise the money would have been donated for my requested voiceovers ....


Someone show me a Viable option that aint western union or Pay pal for money transfer and ill try that.


I like BW just feel some of the newer users are either Rude when they dont get what they want or are just here for the Free V/O and run.

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lol Gary, You can ask for free VO's your a member of BW and none of us mind helping each other. It's the grab and run and for profit stations/DJ's.


andhow, I know what your saying. If people don't have a license and they get caught they pay the price, and they know it. About the only way to stop it is, not to allow people to stream outside their own country. They would need to have very stringent laws and ways to track who is doing what. But that would kill internet streaming and there is way to much money being made for anyone to do anything like that. I've heard they are or where talking about passing a law here and people would actually do jail time. I think that idea is crazy. But then again the people in our Govt only go by what Big Business tells them, because they own them. Because they bribed I mean made a donation to them.


But this topic is going to be beat to death. It seems like we go thru this every now and then lol It's good to vent now and then, then it's back to the same old thing. Because no mater what is tried it just doesn't seem to work and there is no way to stop it. So it is left up the the voice artists if they do requests or not. Myself I am getting to the point I'm not doing them.

"I'm Retired" Donations PayPal.Me/artistview . I only do dry reads, if you want FX's you'll have to add them, I might add them. If you use my voice please link to my art site AbstractArtist.xyz, Thank you
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Ive helped out around BW and im only a Hobby broadcaster.


Bill i will pay for a licence when my listener numbers increase...


Shame on ya mate. Pure and simple. :no:


If you can't afford the licensing then you should not be broadcasting. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

Reverend Aquaman | Station Manager | andHow.FM

Where it's *ALL* about the music!

A world-class, always eclectic, commercial-free, alternative, modern, retro, indie rock radio station.

Jamming the free world, one person at a time since 1998. Got Indie?

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So all offshore and onshore pirate radio was wrong then? Even though it shaped what proper radio should be? These never paid their fees yet they were highly popular and did pay the price eventually. There are still many more pirates these days, not the bad ones who may support the drugs culture but good ones who play proper music with decent presenters, not the usual churned out hyper idiots. There are many internet stations the same. I know many station operators, a few who pay their fees and moan like hell (sound familiar) and others who don't pay the royalties who do a great job. It's up to them if they want to conform, they know the risks. Let them get on with it and don't get too dizzy up there on your high horse.....!
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Based on our return listenership logs, we don't have the problem of being a churned out internet station that plays the same thing. Good try though.


Upon reading your other posts that you have made, it appears that you pride yourself on being a forum troll. So I am not going to hold much weight into your response that you have obviously made to make yourself feel superior.


But thanks for coming.

Reverend Aquaman | Station Manager | andHow.FM

Where it's *ALL* about the music!

A world-class, always eclectic, commercial-free, alternative, modern, retro, indie rock radio station.

Jamming the free world, one person at a time since 1998. Got Indie?

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I think you will find I have an opinion, like you. Where did I say you are a churned out internet station? I was on about the churned out hyper idiot DJ's there are on commercial radio.

My point is/was not all people who don't pay fees are bad.... you think they are, I do not as there has been some great pirate radio. I am not a troll either, why say such a thing? I like to make a point and as for feeling superior, I don't need any site for that. I normally comment on people that cause trouble you will see but on this occasion I wanted to get my side across. If you misinterpret what I wrote then I am sorry that happened.

Oh, are you a real Reverend by the way?

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