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Need A New Promo Made For Me Please?

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Sorry to aggravate you all. This is my first requesting a Free Voice over and or liner and this my last. I'm needing someone to make a show promo, anyway you want it doesn't really matter but it must include this in the promo; "Tune in to to James McCoy's one time only comeback show. Saturday March 13th 4pm to 8pm eastern. On Spazzradio.com 4 hours of hard hitting nonstop rock n' roll music along side with pop and hip hop music being played. Also he is taking your requests and dedications." Make the promo as you see fit please? thanks. I appreciate it so very much everyone!!!
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Sorry to aggravate you all. This is my first requesting a Free Voice over and or liner and this my last. I'm needing someone to make a show promo, anyway you want it doesn't really matter but it must include this in the promo; "Tune in to to James McCoy's one time only comeback show. Saturday March 13th 4pm to 8pm eastern. On Spazzradio.com 4 hours of hard hitting nonstop rock n' roll music along side with pop and hip hop music being played. Also he is taking your requests and dedications." Make the promo as you see fit please? thanks. I appreciate it so very much everyone!!!



Here you go James. Donations gladly accepted via Paypal at mikewagnervoiceover@gmail.com


Good luck with the show!



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Again I appreciate everyone who has helped me out. I'm am very great full that you all took the time to make the promos for me. I'm thankful you all have did this for me. I'm been wanting to get back on air to do rock radio for one time only cause right now I got a steady job and it's hard for me to do any kind of DJing with the work schedule I have. So after this I don't know when I'll be able to do any kind of radio broadcasting. Radio broadcasting is my dream and my life. heck it's a career choice for me. with me doing internet radio djing it's experience for me so I know what I'm doing in case I did get my foot in the door in FM/AM radio. The main reason I took on a steady job cause I needed the money cause with internet radio it doesn't pay the bills and can't get what I need to have my own radio studio so with me working and saving up some money It'll be a good way to start up and have a radio studio built up in my own home!!!
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