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Produced VO's for Leafpile Radio Second Life Edition

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:D I missed all my BW Buddies!!!! But I come to you in a time of need! I just found a new venture for Leafpile Radio, and put the whole of Leafpile Broadcasting into Second Life. Now I need liners for it. Here are a few scripts of what I would like done, but I trust you guys to make it sound amazing!


Liner 1:


Broadcasting Live from Serena Atmosphere, Leafpile Radio Second Life is now on the air. Hit up our group or come on down and get your requests in to one of our Live DJ's. We are, Leafpile Radio Second Life, bringing real radio to a not so real world.


Liner 2:


The Hottest music, The Hottest DJ's, and dare we say, The Hottest Women! It's Leafpile Radio Second Life, coming to you from Serena Atmosphere. We're pumpin out the jams and fuelin the fire with the hottest hits!

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  • 2 weeks later...
As we have told many others, Voice overs take time to make and produce. We think of a free voice over anything from one words to about seven. What you want is ALOT and I doubt anyone is going to do it for free. Try offering a few dollars, after all you have to spend money to make money.
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Hey man, usually I would be able to get some out for you but I have been super busy with my second job...but if you can wait a day or two I can try and come up with something :)



Jon Bova


"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs. - Jim Rohn"

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You the man! No rush my friend. How ya been Jon?


I've been pretty busy haha. I work 10pm-7am, sleep from 7:30-3:30 or 4pm then catch up on voice work, then usually its time to go back to work. Wednesdays and Thursdays are my days off starting next week :)

Jon Bova


"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs. - Jim Rohn"

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I've been pretty busy haha. I work 10pm-7am, sleep from 7:30-3:30 or 4pm then catch up on voice work, then usually its time to go back to work. Wednesdays and Thursdays are my days off starting next week :)


Man I know how that feels. THANK YOU BRUTISH!! If you guys need any VO's, produced or dry in return, feel free to ask :)

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