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Forget AUTODJ, ShoutAutomation is where its at!

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Has anyone else used them? (Shoutautomation.com) Its autoDJ on PCP!


This has it all! Relays, clockwheels, voicetracks, advertising, request ability! its totally insane! Finally someone has made something that takes all the great features of your day-to-day broadcast software and puts it all in ONE webbased package!


I can't tell you how many times i had to run home, or log in remotely to reboot sambroadcaster b/c it froze, or reboot windows vista/7.


this is all ran via webbased just like autoDJ, and its features list just goes on and on!


I had the chance to chat with the owner/creator of this and wow, some of the stuff he has in store for it is awesome!


This video sold me, http://shoutautomation.com/?page_id=240


im currently uploading all my music VIA FTP to my server i bought there. im excited to use it!




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I use it, I love it! It's a great alternative to a dedicated pc to run a station. If you are a newbie, or an oldie, it's worth a look and a test drive! Speaking from experience there is nothing I've see with as many options for an automated station.


Automation on steroids :)


I highly recommend the service, make life easy on your station and you.

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  • 4 weeks later...
mmm I really think that if you need to rely on something such as Shout cast automation you really should find something else to do on the internet. Maybe consider World of Warcraft!

If for any reason your station goes down power out internet is out.Your station will still be on its a good back up.

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