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Could have been already covered,need settings for mic on SAM seems low in vol (mic 600ohms Dynamic) and also as a by and by Sam on windows xp freezes on song change but no effect on music output any ideas (freezes for 5 - 10 seconds) Thanks
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Struggling w/mic issues myself, though I've gotten to a state of "not bad". I'm a noobe, don't think i'm the right guy to be sharing settings..

I was having the same experience as you though, with SAM appearing to lockup at the server but the stream going on uninterrupted. I resolved this by adding more ram. Hope this helps you some.

Peace be with

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Hi , If your mic is a little quiet go into your Windows audio settings and look for recording devices, you should then see your mic there somewhere , change the volume of your mic so its full and also in SAM on the right or wherever your microphone window is there should be 'volume' turn that up to..


For the crashing, That sometimes happens to me if i do to many things, sometimes if i change song it will just freeze for a few seconds and then it continues.

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