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Military Kids need radio intro help

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Hello everyone! Awesome to see what an amazing group there is here of voice and audio talent.


Would anyone be interested in helping a group here that is doing a show for children of US military active duty & downrange service members.


There is a need for quality voice overs for a "radio" themed intros at a dance exhibition event.


100% of the children participants have parents that are either currently serving in Iraq or Afganistan.. Both USAFE and the US Army in Germany will be at this dance event.


If anyone is interested please pm me..


Thank you!

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  • 1 month later...
Hello everyone! Awesome to see what an amazing group there is here of voice and audio talent.


Would anyone be interested in helping a group here that is doing a show for children of US military active duty & downrange service members.


There is a need for quality voice overs for a "radio" themed intros at a dance exhibition event.


100% of the children participants have parents that are either currently serving in Iraq or Afganistan.. Both USAFE and the US Army in Germany will be at this dance event.


If anyone is interested please pm me..


Thank you!



Just sent you a PM...

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