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Quick SAM question

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As you know i use SAM for KIss FM we play a lot of prerecorded mixes on the station and we have them entered by Event Scheduler ,but we find this adds the mixes to the Music Category,can we stop this as this makes the mixes come around again,ie can we play mixes and then have them not play again and not added to music cat...Brendan:retard:
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As you know i use SAM for KIss FM we play a lot of prerecorded mixes on the station and we have them entered by Event Scheduler ,but we find this adds the mixes to the Music Category,can we stop this as this makes the mixes come around again,ie can we play mixes and then have them not play again and not added to music cat...Brendan:retard:


I haven't had this problem. How are you setting up the ES? I use the ES to load and play pre-recorded shows and it has never added any of those to the Music Category. Just curious as to how you are setting up/entering the info in to the scheduler.


I'm not sitting near my SAM right now, but when you add a new EVENT, you select the EVENT ACTION - "+ FILE" - browse to desired file/mp3 and double-click. Then click the SCHEDULED TIMES tab and add day and time. That's the basic, add 1 file.


I also have a default Clockwheel, so when that mp3/mix/show is finished, SAM then defaults back to my clockwheel and that show/mix is never heard again unless I have it set to repeat via the ES.

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No problem.


The more I think, this works, but you would have to create an event every time for every track/every time. The way around that, which is what I do, is create a PAL and use the ES to run it at a pre-determined time. This would allow you to have SAM randomly pick a mix from a category and play it.


Are you running automated or do you have live DJ's? The reason I ask is this: I run mostly automated and use a default clockwheel to fill time in between shows, etc.


So, I created a PAL/Clockwheel to serve as a back up.


When I need to run a specific show or a specific genre at a certain time, I create a PAL and run it using the ES. When that show ends, SAM defaults back to the "default" clockwheel.


Now, if I switch up genres, I create a PAL for each and use the ES to run those at the set time.


I am talking in circles and might be complicating things. lol Hard to express sometimes in a forum what's happening.


PM me if you have questions about this and I can send you examples if you'd like.


- J

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Yep ... its right ..

Your Music "Music All" directory copy all your files to that directory


To solve this problem ... make into "Other" or "Playlists" several new directories ... example : Mixes Monday, Mixes etc etc


At the time you have loaded them to their specific directory they don't gonna appear anymore into your Music "Music All"


If you wonna clear them from their current spot :

Use the "search" tool and rightclick on the file > Remove > Delete from All

Now load them into the new (right) directory

Refresh your Music "Music All" directory and its solved ! :)

Good luck !

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