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SAM - Station playing at the same time as Music


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Hi All,


Am new to SAM Broadcast scripting and wanting to know if any can help or tell me how to script for SAM to play the station ID on top of the music at the same times,

Hi, you can make a "Event Schudele" on Desktop B

click on the "+"

Name the "Event"

than...on Action sellect "Add files to Queue"

On your right you see a list with buttons take button "+File" select the file of the Station ID.

Left of the buttons you see now a line that ends with '...,ipBottom);" change "ipBottom" to "ipTop"

then go to tab "Scheduled times"

select left "Execute every"

select right "Day" and the hour to execute the ID then "+Add" and do this last step for every hour you want to start the "Station ID"

When done just click on "OK" and it's done


This is the way I did it.



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