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Voiceover Request (rock!) - return site credits


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Hello all....

Yes I am new here - and I apologize for being up front and asking for a voice over. I am genuine - Here is some info on me...


I am a massive rock fan - am starting up a radio show at blogtalk radio and will feature regular interviews with local musicians.


I am hoping to build this show into something really sustainable.


In return for a free voice over....

I will provide you with a permanent site credit (and your URL link) on my blog site and also credit you on the radio site. I will also do my best to promote you to anyone I know looking for a voice over professional.



Denis - :thumbup:

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Thanks Denis for joining BW ...

however parts of your post can be done into the "Introduce section"


A free VO liner can only be asked if you have proved that you are willing to contribute to the forum ...

so get the numbers of your posts up ... and fellow BW members gonna be pleased to contribute to your request

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Sure thing - I will try and make some relevant contributions over the next few weeks. If someone still wants to send me a sample, I would be very grateful for anything received :)


If I don't get any replies I guess I can learn how to be a V/O artist ?!

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Looks like a nice site, I was going to do your request. But you got Arf and you can't get any better than him to do it. I'm his trainee :) well thats if his still is my trainer. It's been awhile :lol: ....
"I'm Retired" Donations PayPal.Me/artistview . I only do dry reads, if you want FX's you'll have to add them, I might add them. If you use my voice please link to my art site AbstractArtist.xyz, Thank you
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