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Free Shoutcast Server To Whoever Does The Best Package.


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OK here goes, I am looking at getting a few jingles n stuff for my own dance/pop/techno/talk station done and so I have a cunning plan.


I am offering whoever does the BEST 2 sets of produced jingles the following.


1 Shoutcast Server pre set up and ready to rock on one of my dedicated boxes along with 15gb space and 250gb bandwidth, FULL FTP access to upload your tunes, 250 Listener Limit, Auto DJ, 96kbps Streaming, WHM Sonic Panel to admin your station, graphical stats etc, 99.9% Uptime. Can be used as a small station or even simply as a relay of an existing station.


I am offering 2 of these packages to 2 people for 6 months.


I am after some jingles/vo's saying things like the following.


the sound of the summer, shack fm


broadcasting across the nation on the number one station shack fm


shack fm, part of the shack networks family


your listening to katy perrys ex boyfriend (yeah sure) it karl morgan on shack fm


this sunday from 8pm, shack chat with karl morgan.


sunday evenings with doddy on shack fm


we also need our studio number as a jingle too 0161 408 1056


and any more anyone can come up with.


I will if required give all the login details to James who will then pass them onto the winners in order to show I am serious and this is not some kind of con.


If this is not allowed then please delete my post.

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