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Help Ident This Music / Bed


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Blimmey, if the burke shut up long enuff- & stopped talking incessant rubbish, then maybe I could bear to listen long enough!


Dear God, another Chris Evans clone- just what we all need!:thumbdown:


It was crap when I first heard it, and it hasn't improved!

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Blimmey, if the burke shut up long enuff- & stopped talking incessant rubbish, then maybe I could bear to listen long enough!


Dear God, another Chris Evans clone- just what we all need!:thumbdown:


It was crap when I first heard it, and it hasn't improved!


I agree with those sentiments however Mr. B what was the tune :confused: lol I get the feeling its an old composition maybe 50's 60's feel to it and maybe European, almost seems to have that German oompah quality to it, if you know what I mean.

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I wouldn't mind if he has something useful to say!!! No wonder he watches movies 10 times- porobably takes that long for the thing to sink in!


I reckon it is probably Stephan Grapelli, what I COULD hear of it! I gave up after about 20 seconds though!

If I have helped you with a Freebie- please be kind enough to add a link from your own site or blog to mine- thanks! http://arthurburton.net


Thank You!

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Hi John,

Gooooooooood question ... oops ... :)

It has elements from Anton Karas - the composer of "The Third Man"

but it ain't The Third Man ...

and as Arthur quoted .. its difficult to hear whats on the background


Maybe this link can help you in the search of what you are looking for :


You'll find tons of TV tunes ... very usefull if needed

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I reckon it is Perfidia

not this version.... but, you may find it


God knows Excelents- how mcuh yopu made me suffer listening to that the second time............... I was chewing my leg off in pain!


If THAT is the best the likes of Absolute Radio can manage, they should change their name to Absloute CRAP! It would be more fitting!


This is much closer


I recall both the Shadows and the Ventures covered it. It is a traditional Spanish song.


NOW- That musical knowledge has got to be worth a Rep :retard: sad ol' git I am!


See, I told you all THERE ARE postives to beng an old barsteward! ;-)



On second thoughts.........it isn't it's an old tv theme!


I've probably got it ... hang on, I got it!!!!

Swedish Rhapsody

is this the one?


no, maybe


No, this is probaly the version


I have it by Mantovani on CD here!


Hope that helps!


Arfa' B!

If I have helped you with a Freebie- please be kind enough to add a link from your own site or blog to mine- thanks! http://arthurburton.net


Thank You!

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I reckon it is Perfidia

not this version.... but, you may find it


God knows Excelents- how mcuh yopu made me suffer listening to that the second time............... I was chewing my leg off in pain!


If THAT is the best the likes of Absolute Radio can manage, they should change their name to Absloute CRAP! It would be more fitting!


This is much closer


I recall both the Shadows and the Ventures covered it. It is a traditional Spanish song.


NOW- That musical knowledge has got to be worth a Rep :retard: sad ol' git I am!


See, I told you all THERE ARE postives to beng an old barsteward! ;-)


I should really email the presenter and just say "now then lad" lol

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