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Ice-Ku needs you!


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Ice-Ku radio is recruiting. We are looking for dj's to fill some of our empty slots and add some energy to internet radio.


All dj's will be broadcasting from the comfort of there own home. We provide everything you need to go get started. All you need is some music. We are looking for dj's who play "urban" music. This could be anything from hip-hop - dubstep - ukg - r&b.


You do not have to have a mic to apply, but thats not to say you can't speak on air if you wish. You can use software only or hook up to your dj set up and mix from there.


It's your station your rules, so anything goes in terms of the kind of shows you wish to broadcast. If you think you fit the bill then get in touch.


Please visit us at ICE-Ku Radio and contact us via the contact page, tell us a little about yourself. We look forward to hearing from you.





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