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iPhone Voicemail Greeting


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Does anyone know how to make a professional sounding custom iPhone Voicemail Greeting? I put together something pretty decent, but the sound is lacking pretty hard (staticky/quiet) due to the dinky 3G microphone.


Is there a way to use a real recording? Perhaps upload a file? As far as I can tell there isn't. Am I wrong?


I would love some advice and possibly donate to anyone who could increase the music and voice over quality of my message.




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I found the info below. hope it helps.




iPhoneAlley details (http://www.iphonealley.com/tips-and-tricks/use-any-audio-file-as-a-custom-voicemail-message) a technique to trick the iPhone into using any custom audio file as your voicemail greeting.


At present, you have to record your greeting by recording directly into the iPhone microphone -- the results of which are average, of course.


Besides creating an audio file in the right format (Adaptive Multi-Rate (http://media-convert.com/)), you also need to trick the iPhone to upload your new greeting to the AT&T servers:

On the iPhone, go into voicemail and tap "Greeting". Record a few seconds of something and tap stop. Before you tap save, use iFuntastic or SFTP to navigate to /var/root/Library/Voicemail on your iPhone. You'll see a file called "Greeting. amr". This is the audio you just recorded. Delete that file and replace it with your custom message which should then be renamed to "Greeting.amr". Tap "Play" on the iPhone to verify your message works. If it plays, tap "Save" and your custom message will be uploaded to AT&T's servers.


Of course, this option is only available for those brave enough to hack their iPhone.


Article Link (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2007/09/08/upload-a-custom-voicemail-greeting-for-iphone/)





"I'm Retired" Donations PayPal.Me/artistview . I only do dry reads, if you want FX's you'll have to add them, I might add them. If you use my voice please link to my art site AbstractArtist.xyz, Thank you
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