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How can I do it in pal script?


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Ok, so I need when somebody kick SAM BROADCASTER or When I stop auto broadcast with the SAM, so we will stop play songs, he will wait until he will broadcast again, and start to play some song.


i hope you undestand what Im mean..



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I use my computer as auto dj, but when another broadcaster kick the autodj(my computer with Sam), the sam just continue to play songs.

I want when someone KICK him, he will stop play songs, and when he will start to broadcast again, he will start to play again a new song.

Im really hope that you understand me this time..

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Honestly ... I don't know if there is a script to manage this

Main idea is that :

if a person kicks the mainstream (on the shoutcastpage) he/she enters the stream with their software (aka SAM encoder)

at the time they leave the mainstream, SAM connects automatic to the "open" stream and start playing music

In general your SAM is a kind of backup during the time somebody else is streaming from a 3rd party place/home

Maybe somebody else can help you, but once again to my knowledge it ain't possible

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I dont sure that you understand.

my problem is when the broadcaster stop broadcast, so the autodj(sam) is up.

but the autodj(sam) is already with song play so he start to encoder in the middle of the song. i want it will start at the start (00.00)..

:/ hh this is hard to explain..

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I dont sure that you understand.

my problem is when the broadcaster stop broadcast, so the autodj(sam) is up.

but the autodj(sam) is already with song play so he start to encoder in the middle of the song. i want it will start at the start (00.00)..

:/ hh this is hard to explain..


Phil, I think he means that Sam allready started the song before the external guy's stream is off line so that the song starts in the middle instead off at the start off the song.

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@ Manor :

I do understand you perfect ...

but ... with an internet streaming project you "never" can take control of the delay in streaming ... aka music at the source untill it reach the listener

In general your SAM at your mainstudio "needs" at alltime a "reconnect" time of 5 untill 10 seconds to get reconnected with the streamprovider servers.

So at alltime you gonna create a delay who can't be solved.


@ Eric : I understand your point of view

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I want that when SAM recconnect and come back to stream, so he will start the song from 00:00 and not just continue to play songs, so when he come back to stream the listener just hear from the middle of the song.

When im on the computer and do it manualy its work GREAT. so I need script that will do this Simple thing..

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I want that when SAM recconnect and come back to stream, so he will start the song from 00:00 and not just continue to play songs, so when he come back to stream the listener just hear from the middle of the song.

When im on the computer and do it manualy its work GREAT. so I need script that will do this Simple thing..

If you use a script you will have a half or maybe to a minute of silence because of what GKEurope has explained.

So when SAM gets the signal that the external stream is offline it has allready send a minute ago so the listeners will hear nothing for that time.

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ok .... I have maybe one solution

But than you have to load the IP of your station member by using the Event Sheduler.

If the radioset (coming from an other place than yours) is finished at for example 09pm ... Use the TOTH script to kick that 3rd party stream.

With the TOTH script you gonna be able to start a TOTH, a song or anything else at a specific time

This is part of the basic knowledge about SAM ...

So far I can't think about anything else ... unless you contact the SAM support service (as registrated member its easy to get in touch with them)

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mm.. ok.. the Event Sheduler not good for this because i dont know when my broadcasters will broadcast..

but, i dont undetstand, what are the diffrent? when somebody kick, broadcast, and down, my SAM up and stream again fine, without any delay problems.. :/ but ok thanks

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