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Back In Time Blues Project

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I posted info before that I was doing “Back In Time” for Johny C and I play old original blues songs 1920s, 1930s etc.. Well that gave me an idea, Seeing I like the blues I got this crazy idea to start a project about the blues.


What I am doing is getting old blues songs and doing rearsch on the artist and adding information to each song. Some of them have more information than others. Only because it is hard to find any information on some of the old blues artist. All you can find on some of them is their birth date and when they passed away and sometimes that information isn't correct. You can only find something like, They passed away in 1949 and it's only a best guess by people.


So my project will always be on going and I'll add as many new songs as I can each week. Due to the time it takes to reasearch the artist. Some are easy gather information about, while others can take a few hours or more, not counting recording time, writing, etc.


If anyone wants they can download the files and use them on their shows, stations, etc..

The songs I'm using are under Public Domain, so I released them under Public Domain as well. So I released my rights to the information I added to each file.


Note: I am still kind of working on the first 20 songs I added. I need to add a few more download links for some of the songs.


Almost forgot I'm calling my little project “Back In Time Blues” well it's the name of the web site anyway. So it sounds like a good name for the project as well.


So stop by the site and let me know what you think. Back In Time Blues click here!

"I'm Retired" Donations PayPal.Me/artistview . I only do dry reads, if you want FX's you'll have to add them, I might add them. If you use my voice please link to my art site AbstractArtist.xyz, Thank you
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