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USA Internet Station- Promo for London Trip


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Hey guys,


We were invited to London, England for a whole month to broadcast LIVE there! We are excited because most of our online viewers are from there. This is just a simple promo that will basically advertise the trip and stuff. It can be DRY or Produced.


Much thanks in advanced, and I apologize for not thanking the last people that did work for me quickly. I forgot my password, and thats why. Anyway, Here is the promo script:




"Blue Stone Radio is heading to the UK! January of 2009 Jon and the crew will be headed to London, England where they will broadcast LIVE! For more info please visit our website at http://www.BlueStoneGuys.com!




If you feel the need to re word or change anything, feel free. This is basically a guide............as long as the main point gets out there.









Blue Stone Radio :upz:

Jon Bova


"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs. - Jim Rohn"

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Guest Baabaa Productions

Great vo and production JD.






Well, I will post one here for you too Jon!



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