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Complete List of U.S. Number Ones


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Attached is the complete list of U.S. Number Ones from 1940 through present day. It is in ods (open document spreadsheet) for a reason....you can sort by date or by artist. If you don't have open office, you can download it here for free:




The list is up to date through Britney Spears new number one. This list is number ones off the Best Sellers Chart from 1940-1958 and the Hot 100 from 1958 to present. I should warn you that printing it out will be lengthy....46 total pages to print both sorts. Please don't bill me for ink and paper..LOL


If you want to keep it current, billboard updates every Thursday morning by 9 am eastern. Here's the link for the hot 100.




I make pen/ink additions each week to my printed list, than print it out once every 6 months as I do a number ones show and need a clean copy sooner. Takes less than 5 mins each week to maintain.


If you dont like working with spreadsheet, you can copy and paste the info from it into word without much of a prob. Conversion to most other documents results in jumbled, messy formats.








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