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Need help with an event to play at 5pm every Monday


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With this code, what do I need to change to have an event called

Falcon Radio play every monday at 5pm


{Wait for right time}

PAL.Loop := true;

PAL.WaitForTime(T['xx:59:35']); does this need to be 17:00:00?

{Clear queue}


Cat ['Advertisements (ALL)'].QueueTop(smLemmingLogic,NoRules);


function ActivePlayer:TPlayer;


if DeckA.Status = psPlaying then

Result := DeckA


Result := DeckB;



Is Cat where I place my event?


yeah I'm really lost!





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Thats correct ... > 17:00:00

Cat is indeed the place where you add your set or file


Operational :

- set PAL.Loop:=false; (makes it only play one time)

- start the PAL by using Event Sheduler - example : every Monday at 16:59:00

That way all content gonna load right on time


Good luck and thanks for using my sticky topic ;)

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This is what my code looks like currently:


PAL.Loop := false;



Cat ['Falcon Radio'].QueueTop(smLemmingLogic,NoRules);


function ActivePlayer:TPlayer;


if DeckA.Status = psPlaying then

Result := DeckA


Result := DeckB;



Falcon Radio(the event) is in a folder called Falcon Radio...

which is a subfolder of the playlist folder, (which is in playlist categories)


When I run the code I want it to take the event Falcon Radio and place it

in Deck A and start playing. So I set up the PAL script above, then place it in the event scheduler. When making a test run nothing happens.

Am I putting the wrong information in: Cat ['Falcon Radio'] ?


Do I need to place the event in the queue to make it work?

Thank you for your help!



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You did it OK

except you have to write at any time :

{Clear queue}



but you have to shedule your Event Sheduler as following

- make a new Event (example Falcon)

- click Execute PAL script

- add the (Falcon) PAL script to it

- choose day = event every Monday

- choose time = event starts at 16:58:45

- click ok


Next Monday your Falcon radioset gonna play right on time

The value 16:58:45 gives a bit of space during loading of your PAL script to the "playing" time of 16:59:35


Important can be to put "one" file to the Falcon directory

Overwrite every week the original file (MP3 located at your pc), this way you are sure that at all time the right file gonna be played


by the way "smLemmingLogic" can be changed into "smRandom" or other

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