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Is This A Scam ?

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I came across this today.


It says that is "James here from Wavestreaming" right under the video.


I really thought Wavestreaming had more class than this. It is probably someone just pretending to be them.


The video is really funny, just like an info-merical on TV at 3 AM. The website just goes on and on and on.


It looks like a total ripoff of $57 and anyone with half a brain wouldn't buy this.


So what do you think? Scam?


Can Wavestreaming chip in on this thread and explain it, please ?

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Did that email arrived Yesterday ?

if so ... I received it also on 4 different accounts - 2 of the accounts are even not 100% active (as often used account)

First I thought it was an email from James of BW ... but I didn't have seen any reference to him

Is that about the content + a link to a video ?

I have deleted all 4 emails without watching the links ...

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I recieved the same email .... and yes i deleted it!


Id forgotten id registered with wavestreaming when iwas looking for a Flash player Guess ill just have to unsuscribe!

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I just watched the video, I'd say he has an idea to help stations make money with affiliate links. But he made the mistake of making it look like one of them Advertising pages that most people click the "Back Button" on as soon as they land on it.


That style of advertising page and marketing is over used. But it is effective and I'd bet he makes money with it. Most of his sales will be from new DJ's.


The rest of us have been there, done it, did it already. You can make a few dollars here and there. But unless you get real lucky you won't make that much money. It is one of the oldest marketing tricks there is, make it sound better than it really is. I know I've sold thousands of products that way. I made my living online for 6 years selling products back in the 90's. It's amazing what you can sell if you make it sound good.

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1. Yes, this is an official Wavestreaming product:



2. Not exactly sure how it could be considered a scam? We're simply selling a product - which in this case is a video series which teaches various marketing tactics and methods you can use to help increase your audience levels.


Just like buying anything else, you are exchanging money for a product/service - no 'scam' involved? Its your decision if you want to purchase or not, we've not 'forced' anyone to buy anything here. Once paid, you get instant access to the product. When you go to the supermarket and buy a chocolate bar - is that a scam?


Regarding the comment 'anyone with half a brain wouldn't buy this' - you're entitled to an opinion, obviously, but without having seen what is actually inside the product, so I'm not sure you're in a position to pass that judgment :confused: Perhaps you already have a radio station that pulls in thousands of listeners, in which case - the product probably isn't for you.


Granted, the sales letter is very forward and it is unusual to see something like this in our community...


Truth be told, we wanted to experiment with a different approach for this new product and actually hired an external company that specializes in direct response marketing create this promotion / sales letter for us and we were unsure if it would go down well.


We've had an immense response to this and we always aim to deliver as much value as possible to our customers.


The product is due to close early next week, we'll probably re-open it at a later date and might try a different approach to the sales process if we decide to relaunch it later in the year.


Emails were sent to approx. 40,000 radio stations across our various marketing lists via our email system provided by Aweber.com. All of which are double-opt-in and all of the outgoing emails sent to these have an unsubscribe link at the bottom.


Any queries can be directed towards our help desk:


Wavestreaming - The Internet Radio Experts since 2004.

Flagship Products: SHOUTcast 2 Hosting | Cloud DJ | Pro Player Suite

Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

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the only reason they think its a scam is actually what billh said. It looks like cheap advert site. Maybe spruce the site to look more professional and people wouldn't think its a scam.




But if people would simply go to the bottom of the page and hover over the order now. it will take you to the official wavestreaming website.

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