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Japan Relief PSA

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As a rule I wouldn't do anything free for the Red Cross. Because they are a for profit company. But I will do it to help you. Do you have a script or something I can go by?
"I'm Retired" Donations PayPal.Me/artistview . I only do dry reads, if you want FX's you'll have to add them, I might add them. If you use my voice please link to my art site AbstractArtist.xyz, Thank you
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This actually has nothing to do with the American Red Cross.


We are trying to help out the tens of thousands of people in Japan who are in dire need of medical attention, food, clothing, shelter and the other hardships that they have suffered in the Hurricane / Tsunami.


I will write a script and get it posted tomorrow.


I am blown away that no other broadcasters are offering in to help.

Spacial SVS Support Team


Get help with PAL Scripts at http://www.palscripts.com

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Any Chance someone could do one with the UK Info on??? I will play it if it can be done!

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User of RadioDJ FREE radio playout software since 2010.

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RadioDJ is my FAVOURITE piece of software it works when I need It



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I'm not the best a writing PSA's but I made this and I pretty much left it the way I said it. I also added some music in the background.




I will do a dry read for you and post it a.s.a.p.


Also my mic boom broke and I have my mic on my desk. So the sound isn't that good.

"I'm Retired" Donations PayPal.Me/artistview . I only do dry reads, if you want FX's you'll have to add them, I might add them. If you use my voice please link to my art site AbstractArtist.xyz, Thank you
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I put both of them on my station. I get listeners from all over. So I thought it would be a good idea to have both of them play. Not sure if anyone else wants to do that. But I'm sure we all get listeners from the US and Europe etc..
"I'm Retired" Donations PayPal.Me/artistview . I only do dry reads, if you want FX's you'll have to add them, I might add them. If you use my voice please link to my art site AbstractArtist.xyz, Thank you
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This is why I don't like doing anything for the Red Crooks I mean Red Cross, like I said they are a for profit company. I was reading an article about the missing money for Haiti. This is what gets me mad about a company that is "for profit" runs a so called charity. Money always ends up missing.


This is from the article




Haiti and the Missing $11 Billion


American Red Cross received one billion dollars in donations for Haiti. They called us to say that was inaccurate. According to the American Red Cross it collected $468 million dollars. They say so far they have spent $148.5 million. I do have to say one of the complaints that we heard over and over again in Haiti is where has the money gone? Not just the American Red Cross but all of the money donated to NGOs, the aid organizations, the countries...




Ok so they say they only got $468 million dollars and they spent spent $148.5 million. Wheres the other 319.5 million?


Here is something from another artice about the money for Haiti that they colleted.




Red Cross officials admitted to using some of the funds to pay their debts and vowed to be transparent and to spend every cent of the donations for Haiti on Haiti.




See this just made me think, I'm not doing anything for the Red Cross again and I am pulling the spots I have asking for donations. They can go suck an egg for all I care.


I will say we all should try to do something to help the people of Japan.

But what and how is the question and Who do we trust, To do the right thing with any money sent to them?

"I'm Retired" Donations PayPal.Me/artistview . I only do dry reads, if you want FX's you'll have to add them, I might add them. If you use my voice please link to my art site AbstractArtist.xyz, Thank you
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I understand some help is better than none. But I just get mad when this stuff happens. They collect the money it is placed into an interest bearing account so they must get millions in interest anyway.


I don't know maybe because I look at as if I said, Send me the money and I'll send the money to the people that need it and then I turn around and spend it on other things. Kind of makes me lier doesn't it? How are people going to trust me?

"I'm Retired" Donations PayPal.Me/artistview . I only do dry reads, if you want FX's you'll have to add them, I might add them. If you use my voice please link to my art site AbstractArtist.xyz, Thank you
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