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April Specials - 40% off Shoutcast

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Here are our April 2011 monthly specials:

  • 40% off all Shoutcast Servers for new and used customers
  • 15% off all VPS Servers

Here's an idea of the savings that you will see:


ShoutCast Servers (Per listener, per month)

24kbps - normally $0.20 per listener - NOW $0.12 per listener

32kbps - normally $0.32 per listener - NOW $0.19 per listener

48kbps - normally $0.42 per listener - NOW $0.25 per listener

56kbps - normally $0.50 per listener - NOW $0.30 per listener

64kbps - normally $0.60 per listener - NOW $0.36 per listener

96kbps - normally $0.80 per listener - NOW $0.48 per listener

128kbps - normally $1.10 per listener - NOW $0.66 per listener


Virtual Private Servers (VPS)

LEVEL 1 - normally $34.99 - NOW $29.74 per month

LEVEL 2 - normally $64.99 - NOW $55.24 per month

LEVEL 3 - normally $94.99 - NOW $80.87 per month


More information on Shoutcast Servers - CLICK

More information on VPS - CLICK


New Data Center in TEXAS - With our present Data Centers in US East Coast, US West Coast - London - The Netherlands

SCS - Dedicated Bandwidth Servers

Shoutcast / Icecast / Windows Media

Transcoding - Auto DJ - Mobile Radio - FLASH Players - Auto DJ

Broadcasting World's Stream Host of the Month

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