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Radio Show Intro


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Hey guys! Thanks for all the amazing voice overs you have done for me in the past....now, my co hosts both are off the show for this spring so i need my own intro.Feel free to edit the script to whatever you think sounds best, you guys are the voice over professionals, im just a disc jock. Oh, and if it can be produced...GREAT! if not...i can put it up as a dry read for someone to produce.



Heres the basic script: "Blue Stone Radio proudly presents, the guy who speaks his mind and lives to tell about it. Here is your host, Jon Bova!"



If you want to ADD anything or even reword it. Our older one was really wacky...so just feel free to create your own intro for me....its for a small non commercial station, so ANYTHING is great!



Much thanks!



Jon Bova


"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs. - Jim Rohn"

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Guest Baabaa Productions

Hi Jon I have produce a couple of Bry's great VO's. Hope you like them.






JonBova-Bryan Cox Baabaa2.mp3[/attachment:32y7um20]JonBova-Bryan Cox Baabaa.mp3[/attachment:32y7um20]

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