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Need voice for university telephone fundraiser message


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I have two scripts that I need a voice for. Here are the scripts:



Script #1


I'm calling on behalf of Ivy Republic University, a for-profit university. We are accepting donations for our scholarship fund. Your donation enables students to earn a college degree. Would you consider making a gift of $25 to sponsor a student's education? If you would like to make a donation, please press 1. For more information please press 5. To be removed from our calling list, please press 9.


Ivy Republic University is a for-profit university committed to providing a supportive academic environment that values academic freedom and individual growth while offering high-quality education in a professional environment.



Script # 2


I'm calling on behalf of Evanston University. We are accepting donations for our capital campaign. Your donation will be used for faculty and administrative support, scholarships, and endowment funding. Would you consider making a gift of $25 to the university? If you would like to make a donation, please press 1. For more information, please press 5. To be removed from our calling list, please press 9.

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Thread closed due to a "for-profit" "for-free" post.

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