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Sam has pissed me off!

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I'm curious. Does RadioDJ offer an internal scripting interface like PAL to customize its operation? I am very interested in trying it out and seeing what it's capable of.


No Complicated scripts like PAL which is an upside.


Full abilty to create events and build playlist rotation files that seems to work better than the Clockwheel files in SAM.


Its Easier to use and above all i dont find myself screaming that the PC so often Unlike what i did with SAM!


Ok so No built in encoders (As Yet) but works fine and dandy with Edcast!

My Blog https://djgarybaldy.blogspot.com

User of RadioDJ FREE radio playout software since 2010.

How to Install RadioDJ: https://djgarybaldy.blogspot.com/2020/08/how-to-install-radiodj-free-radio.html

RadioDJ is my FAVOURITE piece of software it works when I need It



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In my experience when upgrading from Firebird to MySQL, if you backup your configuration settings, uninstall SAM, install MySQL and then install SAM for MySQL, you will have a little setup to get things back up and running again.


It is worth it if you are getting bad results from the Firebird database. I was ready to throw SAM in the rubbish until I made the switch. Haven't looked back since. I does everything I need it to do.

Reverend Aquaman | Station Manager | andHow.FM

Where it's *ALL* about the music!

A world-class, always eclectic, commercial-free, alternative, modern, retro, indie rock radio station.

Jamming the free world, one person at a time since 1998. Got Indie?

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Just wanted to clear up two incorrect statements that have been made in the above posts:


Besides i Doubt anyone will ever see the Light of day of SAM V5!


which SAM appears to be just bug fixing and I wouldn't be surprised if it gets mothballed


You both have no actual knowledge about the development going on at Spacial Audio. Your statements are both wrong.


Agreed, that you hate SAM, but please stop spreading false rumors.

Spacial SVS Support Team


Get help with PAL Scripts at http://www.palscripts.com

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Just wanted to clear up two incorrect statements that have been made in the above posts:


You both have no actual knowledge about the development going on at Spacial Audio. Your statements are both wrong.


Agreed, that you hate SAM, but please stop spreading false rumors.


Thanks countrywestern. My thoughts exactly. :D

Reverend Aquaman | Station Manager | andHow.FM

Where it's *ALL* about the music!

A world-class, always eclectic, commercial-free, alternative, modern, retro, indie rock radio station.

Jamming the free world, one person at a time since 1998. Got Indie?

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Just wanted to clear up two incorrect statements that have been made in the above posts:






You both have no actual knowledge about the development going on at Spacial Audio. Your statements are both wrong.


Agreed, that you hate SAM, but please stop spreading false rumors.


My statement actually said "I wouldn't be surprised if it gets mothballed"


The "I" reflects that it is my personal opinion as I have not seen any improvements since I started using SAM. In addition to this V5 has been promised for over two years and has yet to materialise without a valid reason.


A paid for program such as SAM should have dedicated support staff available online rather than have most of it's support provided by users on forums. (On the other hand free forum based support is perfectly acceptable for free or low cost solutions, SAM is neither of these)


Add both of these things together it very much APPEARS (Again personal opinion) that SAM isn't bothered about this radio automation solution anymore.


Sorry if you feel that these are false rumours but we have no concrete evidence that they are false unless someone can prove me wrong and show me a working copy of SAM 5 which MUST have a beta version by now!

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Any simple issues I have had with SAM has been asked in the forums or I have searched through their forum database for answers needed. 9 times out of 10 the answers are right there.


Any other issues I have gotten online help in a fast and friendly fashion. Don't know what more you could ask for.


I started a station over 2 years ago with no major hookups on a 7 year old emachine running XP. If I can do it using SAM many others can.

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Well you are one of the fortunate ones then, and I know there are many happy SAM users out there, however, there are also many unhappy ones too!


I've been on several forums and seen Spacial Audio being blasted (from members of BCW on other forums) for:
  • Not working correctly
  • Curt responses by Forum personnel
  • Festerhead calling people 'turds'

Really getting sick of this.



If I have issues with SAM then fair enough you may say, this Monkey just hates SAM, however, when evidence is documented that other BW users have seen comments like this about SAM (even if they don't like them) then surely it can't just be ME!


Documented evidence like screen shots, error logs, are obviously not enough for help with SAM, they need blood.


Requests for help with other aspects of runing an online radio station (eh .htaccess files and a senior forum admin basically telling a customer that they're screwed and that it's their problem even though he was having issues using the supplied (very basic and badly coded) SAM PHP templates.......)

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Now Now...I was warned You have to breathe and take everyones point...here on BW. Gary, the Reverand's point is very good, your opinion of his comment....seems to me alot of you have your own opinion and push on other broadcasters, and if its not what you use....well its no good.....I wouldnt trade my SAM 3 & yes for these years it has worked like a charm.....


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Oh Iwe do take on board other's point of view, but when someone sticking up for a product but can then cite other places where people have posted lots of issues has to make you wonder!


People like you use it and swear by it as you say, we stuck with SAM for far too long, but hey ho, it's gone, it's consigned to the bin.


And after all isn't a forum a place for discussing opinions and debating things....? ;-)

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Oh Iwe do take on board other's point of view, but when someone sticking up for a product but can then cite other places where people have posted lots of issues has to make you wonder!


People like you use it and swear by it as you say, we stuck with SAM for far too long, but hey ho, it's gone, it's consigned to the bin.


And after all isn't a forum a place for discussing opinions and debating things....? ;-)

Listen Techy...Been watching me have you....Lets See, Makeavoice is the best:) Sam 3 is the best, we know what we like and try to pass on......But rude people like yourself shouldnt be allowed to partake in this site....opinions are expressed to other parties, perhaps it might help, what we use...you can like what you like, we can all like what we want...noone is selling products, noone is spamming anyone, its simply an opinion, if someone says, this is better then that....cool will look into, So again if its really bothered you that much...which i dont see how...I USE MAKEAVOICE @ makeavoice.com great prices, great help......Now what was that....an opinion that this company works well with clients....I was trying to offer an opinion that could help other. In radio for 25 years, and this is my 2nd year internet....So you can follow if you wish dude...my OPINION counts as much as yours does....be it from firebird to mysql to SAM and RadioDj or the company i use...its not only yourself who has some 'interesting' and 'positive' notes to mention. I will forward your little note.


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Listen Techy...Been watching me have you....Lets See, Makeavoice is the best:) Sam 3 is the best, we know what we like and try to pass on......But rude people like yourself shouldnt be allowed to partake in this site....opinions are expressed to other parties, perhaps it might help, what we use...you can like what you like, we can all like what we want...noone is selling products, noone is spamming anyone, its simply an opinion, if someone says, this is better then that....cool will look into, So again if its really bothered you that much...which i dont see how...I USE MAKEAVOICE @ makeavoice.com great prices, great help......Now what was that....an opinion that this company works well with clients....I was trying to offer an opinion that could help other. In radio for 25 years, and this is my 2nd year internet....So you can follow if you wish dude...my OPINION counts as much as yours does....be it from firebird to mysql to SAM and RadioDj or the company i use...its not only yourself who has some 'interesting' and 'positive' notes to mention. I will forward your little note.




Forgive me, but if you search through the thread, I have not once mentioned makeavoice.com so I've no idea what you are ranting on about there! Feel free to forward anything you want, I haven't been rude or abusive to any member on this forum, we simply have differing opinions! :clap:

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On my observations, it appears to me that techmonkey and garybaldy72uk are the same person with different account names? Is that even allowed?


What says you forum?

Reverend Aquaman | Station Manager | andHow.FM

Where it's *ALL* about the music!

A world-class, always eclectic, commercial-free, alternative, modern, retro, indie rock radio station.

Jamming the free world, one person at a time since 1998. Got Indie?

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Rev we are most Deffo NOT the same Person but a Gay couple!


If that offends you well then .... The Doors that way >>>>

My Blog https://djgarybaldy.blogspot.com

User of RadioDJ FREE radio playout software since 2010.

How to Install RadioDJ: https://djgarybaldy.blogspot.com/2020/08/how-to-install-radiodj-free-radio.html

RadioDJ is my FAVOURITE piece of software it works when I need It



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On my observations, it appears to me that techmonkey and garybaldy72uk are the same person with different account names? Is that even allowed?


What says you forum?


Oh, and as a side note, the T&Cs of this site do not make mention to multiple user names (even if this was what we were doing, which we're not)



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I see. Then I would assume that you have the same thoughts on 'gay bashing' that I do about people who think that they are above the law and don't pay their broadcasting licensing fees and broadcast illegally.


(unless you are broadcasting from a boat or offshore fort, platform, etc...you are *NOT* pirate radio...so don't fool yourself.)

Reverend Aquaman | Station Manager | andHow.FM

Where it's *ALL* about the music!

A world-class, always eclectic, commercial-free, alternative, modern, retro, indie rock radio station.

Jamming the free world, one person at a time since 1998. Got Indie?

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I see. Then I would assume that you have the same thoughts on 'gay bashing' that I do about people who think that they are above the law and don't pay their broadcasting licensing fees and broadcast illegally.


(unless you are broadcasting from a boat or offshore fort, platform, etc...you are *NOT* pirate radio...so don't fool yourself.)

I agree, the law is the law and you can't pick which bits you choose to follow! I feel the same way about drivers who speed, but your analogy is like comparing someone who steals a candy bar to a murderer!

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Every program has something you don't like about it and well you get pissed off at it and look for something else. It's no big deal,

I don't see why more people don't try Zara. We do have a guy on BW that can answer just about any question you have, he runs his station and streams with it. It's just like every other program you just need to learn how to use it. If he can teach me how to you use it. I know you folks can learn it a lot faster than I did.

"I'm Retired" Donations PayPal.Me/artistview . I only do dry reads, if you want FX's you'll have to add them, I might add them. If you use my voice please link to my art site AbstractArtist.xyz, Thank you
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  • 5 months later...
I have been working with Sam for over a month. really no problems other than my own crazy errors. I also was told prior to my purchase from a fellow broadcaster that you need to make sure your computer is able to handle sam. meaning memory, ram etc..

Mark Evans (AKA CountryJock)

A1-Country Radio

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I've had SAM running on various different machines of varying specs, all well above the requirements for SAM, and it still proves unstable, leaking memory, having problems with events etc.... and this has been replicated even on different databases (MySQL, MS SQL, Firebird)


Platforms I've tested on and had the same issues with:


  • Windows XP Pro,
  • Windows 7 Professional / Ultimate,
  • Server 2008,
  • Windows Home Server 2003,
  • Windows 8 developer preview (yes I know it's not a supported version as it's not released, but it installs, and works, till you encounter the issues outlined above)

It's database is a nightmare to code for, and badly designed from a DB admin's point of view (And I work with SQL software with over 500 tables in it joined across 4 databases!)


On a side note, scrolling through this thread, what does it mean if someone's name has a red line through it on here? I presume that means they are no longer on this forum?

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