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Looking for shows to air on our station...

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Hi there,


My radio station is fairly new and while I'm working on some of my own shows, I can't fill every slot on my own and of course that would bore people to tears. :) So I'd like to reach out and see if it's possible for me to pickup some of your shows for airing.


Source{Point} radio has available time slots for your podcast or radio show. We offer internet radio programming for the creative arts and more. We are looking for shows that cover the following topics: Independent: Publishing, Filmmaking, Writing, Photography, Music and Artists, Trade & self-sufficient living skills (woodworking, welding, any topic covering growing your own food, building your own home, generating your own electricity, etc).


For a list of available time slots visit: http://www.threewestcreative.com/source-point-radio-schedule/


If interested please submit this form: http://www.threewestcreative.com/radio-submissions/


Or just reply to this thread. :)



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