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Lost voice. Help me find it!


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What do you do if you're a greengrocer out of fruit and vegetables? How about a butcher without a set of knives, or a surgeon without a scalpel?


Here's my plight - I'm a broadcaster with a case of laryngitis. When I talk, I have the voice of a chainsaw ripping through a window made of nails.


What are your cures and remedies when your throat leaves the stage?



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There are only two things you can do.


Firstly, rest your voice for a day or two. Secondly, to aid recovery- drink, or sip Lemon, honey (don't buy mass produced cheap honey, get the proper local produce) and hot water drinks.

That really works wonders!

If there is an infection, that should cure it unless it is more serious, then it's antibiotics!


Been there, trust me!


If I have helped you with a Freebie- please be kind enough to add a link from your own site or blog to mine- thanks! http://arthurburton.net


Thank You!

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Thank you SO much, both of you.


I'd had the honey and lemon recommendation but anointed with whiskey. It's a little early for the alcoholic addition but I'll certainly run with your remedy and let you know how it goes.


Love this community. Have a great day!

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I have the knowledge that the following product also excists at the US ...

so I hope ... also at the UK

its a homeopatic product called "Causticum" ... ask for the 30k version


After you did what Arf is telling you ... take 5 days in a row, twice a day two Causticums and your voice gonna do anything in a right way ...


PS: this ain't a joke ... I know that many artists/singers are using it

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