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Search Engine Optimization Guide


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Hi Saint,

I didn't get to read the whole article, yet. But it got me thinking about the meta tags etc. So here are some things I do and what I noticed about some BW members sites.



I made a couple of changes in the hearder/meta. Here is the main way I always set up my meta tags.



In the title I always try to use "|" Make the title of all pages 2 parts and use the "|" to split them.



I don't know if it's needed any more but I still use the meta tag for "GOOGLEBOT"



I also use "RETURN" this tells the robots when to return. I've always set mine to 15. This tells the robots to return in 15 days. Which

doesn't seem to work anymore. But I still use it. Why I don't know, Old habbit I guess.



Guide To SEO | Optimizing Web Pages



SEO idea/tip/thought for BW members. I've noticed some sites have links and more images than text. Onething I like to do is change the site meta name="description" with different lines of text from the page every 10 days or so. That is the reason for the meta tag return in 15 days. If you don't have alot of text, try setting up a random php file with text in it. This way when a robot visits your site. It'll find new text on your page or pages and think it has a lot of content, which it is looking for.



"I'm Retired" Donations PayPal.Me/artistview . I only do dry reads, if you want FX's you'll have to add them, I might add them. If you use my voice please link to my art site AbstractArtist.xyz, Thank you
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