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Desperate need of an intro for our podcast

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Hey guys back again :D we are in real need of an intro for our podcast, we where let down by a guy we where waiting on and the podcast is going out in a couple of days, so we need your help if pos :D the intro is:

Two souls unite, for a one off project seldom seen in their land.

Brought together by there love of the harder styles,

Now they wish to share their passion for all things hard with the masses,

Dj Yoz and Big lean present to you, the digital junkies podcast.


Two souls unite, for a one off project seldom seen in their land.

Brought together by there love of the harder styles,

Now they wish to share their passion for all things hard the masses,

Dj Y.o.z (letters said seperate rather than yoz) and Big lean present to you, the digital junkies podcast.



Your help would be greatly appreciated as were in a mega rush to get this finished, thanks again :D

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Honestly ?

I'm a little disappointed about all this ...

Almost everyone who made a reply made a read + production edit

but "I'm new at the forum and I'm not able to find the rep button" ...


I made the past evening a reply at almost 6 minutes after the poster made his last reply

Untill now ... there is still NO rep !


Why can other "new" member give reps for even a funny answer, and why can't You ?


Once again, I'm honestly disappointed ... and thats something that don't happen often with Me at BW !!


Ignore list ? Can be a solution ....

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