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The website you have put is not mine.

I ask this request because I'm making a video for that website.

That video will be made for "the amsument". And not for profit!

Wonna see video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRt-9V1L-xQ


I'm 16 (student), and like making videos for some people.

So I am not professionally.[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRt-9V1L-xQ][/url]

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That doesn't make it better at all...in fact, it makes things even worse.


You are making a video for that website, whether you are being paid or not does not matter to us. If my voice were used in your "free" video to promote their website & I didn't receive pay, I'd be very angry.


It's great that you like making these videos...it could lead to a nice career in the future. However, you should have been more forthcoming about what the final project was for. There was no mention that your above request was for promotion of a website that you do not own, meaning you would need to re-distribute any recording made, therefore you have broken the rules:



Voiceovers produced and uploaded to Broadcasting World dot Net are fully owned and responsible by the Voiceover Artist who has posted it. By downloading a voiceover from Broadcasting World dot Net, you agree that you may not re-distribute the voiceover without the artists permission. You agree that the Voiceover Artist owns the voiceover and if the voiceover artist requests for it not to be used, that you must immediately destroy your copy.

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The website you have put is not mine.

I ask this request because I'm making a video for that website.

That video will be made for "the amsument". And not for profit!

Wonna see video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRt-9V1L-xQ


I'm 16 (student), and like making videos for some people.

So I am not professionally.


Firstly, the onus is on you to PROVE beyond ANY DOUBT, that neither you,or the website mentioned will not ever make any money on the free work supplied by a kind member of BW!



Secondly, as Lapianoman indicates, all you have done here is take, take, take from BW!

If you spent only a fraction of your time contributing to BW as you seem to do when making "free and non profit" videos for what looks like a profit making website- then perhaps someone here may have a little sympathy with you.


If it were down to me (and it is not) I would ask you to prove your position, and if you couldn't beyond any doubt I would ban you from BW!


I shoot straight from the hip- if you don't like it- then sorry it is tuff!


BW, is first and foremost a community- a community that everyone should contribute towards for the good of all. Stop taking, and prove you want to put something back. And by all means do prove me wrong- if you can!


Remember, the onus is on YOU to prove that you are right! Not me, I regularly contribute, and very very rarely take anything from here!


Regards, AB


Oh, and before I forget, manners cost nothing- there is no "please" in your request!!! :eyebrow:

If I have helped you with a Freebie- please be kind enough to add a link from your own site or blog to mine- thanks! http://arthurburton.net


Thank You!

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Actually, it's better if this request didn't get deleted. Seeing posts like this will help others determine whether they want to do future recordings for you or not.


I agree TOTALLY! Leave the post here, and let evryone see it for themselves!

If I have helped you with a Freebie- please be kind enough to add a link from your own site or blog to mine- thanks! http://arthurburton.net


Thank You!

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I'm gonna offer everyone on top of this some help ...


The link provided by promoproductions : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRt-9V1L-xQ

is a link who is connected with a YouTube user profile of "bruges4lifeboy"

Bruges means in Dutch "Brugge" and stands for FC Brugge, a football (aka soccer) club in Belgium

The profile name "bruges4lifeboy" is a typical name for a die hard fan of FC Brugge


Secondly the footage who can be seen :

- has a "very" professional edit

- and shows footage who is owned by a National TV station (I guess VRT, Sporza or één)

- this is copyrighted footage and material by the owner of the images and don't may be used by a third party without explicit agreement of the owner even if they are showed as public content on the original owner website


Third : the website who is proposed by BW member Arfa http://sports-livez.com/ has a content with only videos

All active videos have a 20 second countdown who shows an advertisement before the actual video starts


Fourth : The "Terms of Service" don't have any sense and legal content at no time

Reasons are :

- Every broadcaster, provider of images - footage or music, knows that Sweden has one of the most tight regulations and restrictions who are currently excisting into the European Community

- So I guess they mention Sweden to abort any discussion about their content, so far the original owner don't stop by at their website

- All videos who are showed at their website are streamed with a so called JW flash player, what means that "they" embed the video "at" their website, even they write :

We DO NOT host any videos on this website. All videos found on our site are found freely available around the web on sites such as Justin.tv, Ustream.tv, Selfcast, etc

- I guess they don't know the meaning of the word "host" or "hosting content"

- Even a video can be "found" at a website there is still such a thing as a "Disclaimer" made by the original website where the video can be seen who tells that no 3rd party link may distribute their content (ALL disclaimers of National TV organizations have this as basic line into their Terms of Use/Services)


Finaly :

- The traceroute of the website learns Me that their servers are located at Kansas City USA

- The WHOIS learns Me that the website is registrated at a PO mailbox at Sweden (see quote)

Box 1206

Stockholm, SE 114 79


At no time We can be sure that the registrator lives at Sweden

Honestly, everyone can registrate any website at any place on Earth so far a country has no specific restrictions (such as .cn, .jp, .eu etc)


and for the record :

Their website shows next to an active video a "chatroom" who has Dutch content only

Very interesting is that the username "Sportslivez2", who is probably the moderator aka owner of the website writes in Dutch only.

He/She is only using Dutch words, such as :

- Ja

- het is rust nu

- dan laad het effe en krijg je beeld

and many more !!

I don't think that any Swedish person can write that easy Dutch in such a typical way


So, please accept promoproductions that you are either a victim or either a person who is not telling the truth to Us as members of this BW community

If you are a victim, sorry for this attack to you as person

If you are not a victim, even if you are, than I wanna ask you to withdraw and destroy all voice-overs that I have made for you into the past time - even if they are produced and already published at 3rd party websites as specified into the general rules of BW.

A voice-over made by a BW member stays at any time the exclusive property of the VO who has made the read


So I wanna ask you to delete all files made by Me from your pc, 3rd party websites and at any place they would appear at the www ! If not, and are being found by Me they gonna be redirected to the owner of that domain as an abuse to the copyrights who are owned by Myself to the reads/files.

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I'm not the owner of http://www.sports-livez.com

I just maked some video's for them. (Totally free)

I dont know the owner of Sports Livez. He just asked me to make something, and I thought I could use some drops.


I'm sorry if you thinking I'm messing with you.


It isn't. I have respect for the peoples who does this work.


Now, i don't make video's anymore for Sports Livez. I'm making my own stuff .

I've never used a jingle drop of Broadcastworld on my video's or somthing else. You can see that on my youtube channel.


My apologies if I've violated your trust. That was certainly not my intention.


GKIye I have nothing more of your voiceovers.


If there are any more problems, tell me.


Btw: Sorry for my bad english





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