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Does anyone give a Fart??


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So Amy winehouse has died aged 27 ..... I personally didnt rate her music and never played her as a DJ


A pop star of her reputation dies (Drunk Crackhead) and It takes over the news. Yet theres just been a Bad situation in Norway which i think Warrants a lot more news than Ms winehouse having died.


Sorry Ms Winehouse you were the weakest link Now please can we get back to real life!


This world seems screwed up at times!

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Sorry, but you are both wrong.


A human life is precious, whether it be a drunken crackhead, a homosexual, a soldier, or your neighbor.


People have families who mourn for them and friends who are devastated about the loss.


Yes the tragedy in Norway is horrible, but any loss of life is tragic, period.


I am shocked at how distasteful and crass your remarks are.


You both need a class in sensitivity.

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She was actually a good, but far from great singer. Not my cup of tea, I must say.


Shame she was so totally disturbed. It goes to show you are better off being skint and unknown than being put through all that constant frontline pressure.


Look what it did to Michael Jackson and Brocolli Spears- all for the sake of money in the end. sad.


The media and record companies profits will go up for sure. That reflects not badly on her, but sadly-many of us :-(


RIP Amy, I hope you have found peace at last.


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My respect to you

Sorry, but you are both wrong.

but my reply was meant to this line into the post :

This world seems screwed up at times!

A human life IS precious, and I know for sure, concerning my privat family life

but sometimes as human being We all can have the idea that Our life is screwed by many things ...

for somebody it can be problems into their job, others can have family issues or health problems


So accept that i'm more sensitive than your thoughts about my comment


Artists such as MJ, Ami Winehouse and many other artists are victims of the way Our world goes at this very moment

Success, money, ... but no privacy ... and too many human beings thats a too hard life

In the life of an average human being its something that We can't imagine to have always at any time people around, maybe one of them can be a friend, others are there to backup the artist and a 3rd category works only for the money.


Into my privat life Our family had the past 2 years "10 family members" who died and except two famous family members no one has been mentioned into the news, neither into the local newspapers ...

Thats the way the world goes around ... We are all just a pixel in time ... We can only make the best of Our stay at this planet called Earth

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  • 2 weeks later...

Waaayyy too much is put into our lives by the media! We watch the news to see what is going on in our local areas, and world news dominates what is viewed. Yes Ms. Winehouse passed at a tender young age, but so have many others. Through her own actions, which brings the media on board, her life was more ours than hers! We're held hostage, to a point. We all have the remote or the off switch to block it out.


GK, my condolences for those lost. Hopefully they are in a better place, and you as well...

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