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Hello Frum


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Hi all. My name is Rob Palmer (Remlap). I'm based in the UK where I live with my eight-year-old son.


I'm a real lover of ShoutCast radio. As a software developer for the Windows PC platform, I'm currently working on a project called ESP (Enhanced ShoutCast Player).


ESP enables any ShoutCast broadcaster to easily configure, brand and compile their own dedicated Desktop player for the Windows PC. A dedicated player helps broadcasters to cement their listenership into a viable community and in doing so, increases listener loyalty.


To date, the only stations able to enjoy their own desktop player were the large corporate broadcasters. ESP is free to all ad-free stations!


A demo player, built with ESP can be downloaded from...


http://downloads.remlapsoftware.com/ESPdemo.exe (3.04Mb)


The Player requires no installtion and can be run from any location, including Flash Drives/Data Sticks. Just save the file to your Desktop and when you are bored with it, just delete it to get rid. There is no adware, spyware or nasty surprises (I don't do that stuff).



Listeners can search for MP3's, uploaded by the currently playing artist to their official social networking sites and published for download on openly accessible web-servers. Any MP3's uploaded by the artist can then be downloaded by the listener, including directly onto their iPod or MP3 player.


Later today, I will post a Beta version of ESP Custom Radio Creator to the forum for members to try out with their own configurations, brandings and streams.






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Thanks, James. Nice site, well done.


THFS: Thanks. The program was written in Delphi with a smattering of C++ to fill in the gaps.


I will get round to posting that beta today and then you can try out the various settings on your own stream.


Best wishes



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