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Building your website

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4 Letters that will win every time - KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid.

Quality content wins hands down.

The drudge report figured this out a long time ago and is sitting on a gold mine.




One thing you definitely do not want to do is to require the website visitor to scroll all over hell's creation to look at the website.

Here is an example of a very poorly implemented website.


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  • 1 month later...
Galaxymatt - I think you approach is good, it's how I and most others would do it. Just make sure that you don't take to much from a page. However going aside if you have a good listener base who use your website, ask them what they want from your site and update things as and when you can. People will often talk about your station to friends if you have the page right. Just think of Apple inc. Simple, quick, no instructions!

Many Thanks

Benjamin Ely

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  • 2 months later...
Publish your website in minutes with our easy to use Website Builder. There are hundreds of professionally designed templates with auto-format layouts, or drag 'n drop the objects to design your own unique layout. There are even 'slim' templates that you can customize to use in your Facebook so that it matches your website.:):kiss:
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  • 2 months later...

Wordpress is o.k.. You just have to choose the right theme, technically (and to make it something from yourself by editing the design).


I've chosen for one page for each station with all necessary info, the playlist and a response box at the bottom, nothing more (+ contact links in the sidebar). Plain, simple and easy to use. But to be honest, the site (basically a music blog) already existed before starting my stations. If your site ONLY contains your stations, maybe it's another story.

Good Vibrations (90s flavoured webradio): Listen directly - Station info and playlist
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  • 11 months later...
I personally have used either Forumotion (which is free - relatively cheap domains) and Weebly (with great options - slightly more expensive domains). I have made a few HTML website, but I can tell you that it's a huge pain, especially if you're completely new to it. As saint mentioned, CMS is a much easier route.
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  • 1 month later...


Just thought i'd share the kind of things i think about when designing a radio website. Usually i will find a website that i really like and use it as inspiration (in this case BBC Radio 1).




Feel free to add your tips and methods below.


Now, You can easy to built a website by your self, you can use wordpress CMS, there are alot of theme, you can choose the theme you like.

If you have any difficult, let me know, I have experience to built website by wordpress.

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