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Comments who makes Your Day :)


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Hello lovers :P


Just found this message into my inbox

Raddios.com le comunica que el siguiente comentario ha sido incorporado en el foro de GK INTERNATIONAL:


"La selección de la música es excelente, Felicitaciones y un abrazo a todos los de la radio, de parte de un profesor de General Vedia, Chaco, provincia de Argentina"


El Equipo de Raddios.com


Its send by a South American website who connected my GK project

I have already several comments, but "this one is awesome" !


Imagine ... “General Vedia” is a town into the North East of Argentina at the border of Paraguay

I found their facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/pages/General-Vedia-Chaco/116812081686944


You can call Me nuts, but for a huge part, this is the reason why people like We, are doing this


If your Spanish ain't that good, put the quote into google translate at your browser


It makes my day for sure :kiss:

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